«A formidable novel, not only for what it has to say, but also for the literary panache with which it does so, (…) Its scenes pack a singular tribal punch, with great eloquence (…) the novel of a generation.» Pozuelo Yvancos, ABC Cultural
«Amid the rage and lyricism, the comedy and the tragedy, the broken dreams of a generation as it bids farewell to youth and comes of age at a time when prospects are bleak attain a rare profundity in the dazzling first novel by Murcia-born writer Leonardo Cano.» Matías Néspolo, El Mundo
«What is most striking, above all in the case of a first novel, is the way in which Leonardo Cano adheres so rigidly to the rules of play he has set for his narrative voices (…) In short, this excellent debut is a pleasant surprise, leaving the reader with high hopes for the author’s next offering.» Javier Fernández de Castro, El País