«This young writer is shattering classical forms and narrative modes in what is at once a genre novel and a generational novel about rivalries and awakenings.» Lola Sasturain, Página 12
«Moving and stimulating, Lithium is yet another star in that unique constellation of Malén Denis’s work, unlike any other in contemporary literature. Always challenging received commonplaces, the novel discomfits you at the same time as it forces you to take sides, to take a clear position, at least to declare your feelings.» Gustavo Yuste, La Primera Piedra
«The entire novel is suffused with poetic language. Lithium has little cause-and-effect to structure it, and instead an abundance of internal images, snippets, shifting evocations. Metaphor is not a resource, but the hard core of the book, which examines the unutterable, the silenced, and the mysterious ways it bursts forth.» Manuel Allasino, La Tinta