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Carlos Robles Lucena (Terrassa, 1977) is a writer, teacher and cultural critic. He has been awarded the Montserrat Roig grant for literary creation, within the framework of Barcelona Ciutat de Literatura Unesco. He is also founder and director of several literaty magazines and worked as editor in an anthology by  Augusto Monterroso.

He is the author of  No pregunten por Gagarin (Témenos Edicions, 2014). Some of his stories have been included in the English-language anthology Best European Fiction (Dalkey Archive Press, 2017) and in Uno más ocho (Reservoir Books, 2016).

His latest novel is Cerbantes Park (Navona, 2022).


© Marta Gutiérrez González


© Marta Gutiérrez González

Carlos Robles Lucena (Terrassa, 1977) is a writer, teacher and cultural critic. He has been awarded the Montserrat Roig grant for literary creation, within the framework of Barcelona Ciutat de Literatura Unesco. He is also founder and director of several literaty magazines and worked as editor in an anthology by  Augusto Monterroso.

He is the author of  No pregunten por Gagarin (Témenos Edicions, 2014). Some of his stories have been included in the English-language anthology Best European Fiction (Dalkey Archive Press, 2017) and in Uno más ocho (Reservoir Books, 2016).

His latest novel is Cerbantes Park (Navona, 2022).