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Malcolm Otero (Barcelona, 1973) is an editor, literary critic, university lecturer and cultural manager. He has collaborated in almost all the relevant Spanish media such as El País, El Mundo, ABC, La Vanguardia and El Periódico.

He has written fiction and essays in various collective volumes such as Lo Desorden (Alfaguara, 2013), La orden del Finnegans (Alfabia, 2010) and Vidario, among others. Together with Enrique Vila-Matas, Jordi Soler, Eduardo Lago, Antonio Soler and José Antonio Garriga Vela, he is a member of the Order of the Finnegans.

Together with Santi Giménez, he hosts the radio section Il·lustres execrables, an audience leader, which transformed into books in both Spanish and Catalan: Il·lustres execrables (Rosa dels vents, 2018), Més il·lustres execrables (Rosa dels vents, 2018) and Instruccions per passar a la història (Rosa dels vents, 2020).

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Malcolm OTERO

© author

Malcolm Otero (Barcelona, 1973) is an editor, literary critic, university lecturer and cultural manager. He has collaborated in almost all the relevant Spanish media such as El País, El Mundo, ABC, La Vanguardia and El Periódico.

He has written fiction and essays in various collective volumes such as Lo Desorden (Alfaguara, 2013), La orden del Finnegans (Alfabia, 2010) and Vidario, among others. Together with Enrique Vila-Matas, Jordi Soler, Eduardo Lago, Antonio Soler and José Antonio Garriga Vela, he is a member of the Order of the Finnegans.

Together with Santi Giménez, he hosts the radio section Il·lustres execrables, an audience leader, which transformed into books in both Spanish and Catalan: Il·lustres execrables (Rosa dels vents, 2018), Més il·lustres execrables (Rosa dels vents, 2018) and Instruccions per passar a la història (Rosa dels vents, 2020).