¿De qué nos sirve ser tan listos?

What’s the Point of Being so Smart? Discover How the Human Brain Thinks and Feels | Destino/Planeta, 2023

A revealing journey through the brain, thinking, and the emotions with a great neuroscience educator.

Evolution has shaped the human mind to the point of making it one of the most powerful on Earth. However, our intelligence has many intricacies, consequences, anomalies, and extravagances. We have known for some time now that, far from being based on mathematical calculation, the decisions we make are at the service of the emotions. Perhaps this is why we are much less clever than we believe.

What is human intelligence? Are we really smarter than all the other members of the Homo genus? What factors prevent us from always attaining our full potential? Addressing a wide range of themes, from mental illness, reasons for addiction, and errors of bias through to the story of death, and the progress being made by artificial intelligence in knowledge of the brain, the neuroscience expert Manuel Martín-Loeches draws on the latest advances in the field to show how, as the world’s most unpredictable species, human beings think and feel, and to reveal what we are like.