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El dia del cérvol

L’Altra Editorial, 2016

Minerva has spent months shut up in her house, working on her doctoral thesis on the subject of cyclical time. One morning, in the small hours, as she is leaving a concert at  the Heliogàbal bar, she notices the sudden proliferation of deer across Barcelona. They are everywhere: on t-shirts, sweaters, on cotton bags, painted onto the walls, on the logo of trendy beers. It is only thanks to Ricard, and the journey they make together to southern Sweden, that she will discover this invasion, however subtle, carries a genuine threat. And it is there too that she will find out that love and happiness are as fragile and fickle as the keenest anxieties.

With El dia del cérvol, her second novel, Marina Espasa has produced a work that moves gracefully between the supernatural and the everyday.


«The novel, full of energy and real substance, draws you in with its solid plot, the power of  the story, and its beautiful prose.»
Julià Guillamón, La Vanguardia

El dia del cérvol

L’Altra Editorial, 2016

Minerva has spent months shut up in her house, working on her doctoral thesis on the subject of cyclical time. One morning, in the small hours, as she is leaving a concert at  the Heliogàbal bar, she notices the sudden proliferation of deer across Barcelona. They are everywhere: on t-shirts, sweaters, on cotton bags, painted onto the walls, on the logo of trendy beers. It is only thanks to Ricard, and the journey they make together to southern Sweden, that she will discover this invasion, however subtle, carries a genuine threat. And it is there too that she will find out that love and happiness are as fragile and fickle as the keenest anxieties.

With El dia del cérvol, her second novel, Marina Espasa has produced a work that moves gracefully between the supernatural and the everyday.


«The novel, full of energy and real substance, draws you in with its solid plot, the power of  the story, and its beautiful prose.»
Julià Guillamón, La Vanguardia