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Extraños eones

Valdemar, 2014 | Strange Aeons

(Strange Aeons) The City of the Dead in Cairo is no ordinary neighbourhood, but rather the largest cemetery on the planet, a vast ocean of bones in which hundreds of abandoned children live. It is also home to an emissary of forces that are older than mankind, the desert sands and the the haphazard courses charted by the stars in their madcap cycles.
This is the story of a plan to wreak havoc on the world, of a silver key concealed in a grave in Barcelona, of a car journey to the very edge of sanity… and of five miserable wretches and their attempt to thwart the plans of the original architect of chaos, the antithesis of creation, the foolhardy demon master, gnawing, groaning and drooling in the heart of the ultimate void.


«One of this year’s top genre releases. In both the world of fandom and beyond, Bueso is already a not-to-be-missed name, he is ‘the man’.» Ricard Ruiz Garzón, El Periódico

«Written in his trademark, robust style, always finding the perfect turn of phrase, the mot juste and the adjective that cuts to the core. Testifying once again to the author’s knack of creating claustrophobic atmospheres. The hopes of Spanish fantasy and horror fiction rest on Bueso.» Miguel Barrero, Qué Leer

«One of the finest writers working in Spanish today, able to bend words to his will. He is also a brave writer, who sees each new book as a fresh challenge.» Sergi Viciana, Fantífica

«No one understands fantasy/horror/action quite like Bueso. Each new novel is a not-to-be-missed delight.» Carlos Ferrán, Crónicas literarias

«A hard-hitting style that goes straight for the jugular. A unique, audacious voice.» A. Guardiola, Fantasymundo

«A great writer. He captivates and wins over the most demanding of readers. » Pilar Castro, El Cultural

«Now that Stephen King is increasingly falling prey to PC blandness, Bueso has decided to seize the burning fuse and blow the world to pieces. » Elia Barceló, La tormenta en un vaso

Extraños eones

Valdemar, 2014 | Strange Aeons

(Strange Aeons) The City of the Dead in Cairo is no ordinary neighbourhood, but rather the largest cemetery on the planet, a vast ocean of bones in which hundreds of abandoned children live. It is also home to an emissary of forces that are older than mankind, the desert sands and the the haphazard courses charted by the stars in their madcap cycles.
This is the story of a plan to wreak havoc on the world, of a silver key concealed in a grave in Barcelona, of a car journey to the very edge of sanity… and of five miserable wretches and their attempt to thwart the plans of the original architect of chaos, the antithesis of creation, the foolhardy demon master, gnawing, groaning and drooling in the heart of the ultimate void.


«One of this year’s top genre releases. In both the world of fandom and beyond, Bueso is already a not-to-be-missed name, he is ‘the man’.» Ricard Ruiz Garzón, El Periódico

«Written in his trademark, robust style, always finding the perfect turn of phrase, the mot juste and the adjective that cuts to the core. Testifying once again to the author’s knack of creating claustrophobic atmospheres. The hopes of Spanish fantasy and horror fiction rest on Bueso.» Miguel Barrero, Qué Leer

«One of the finest writers working in Spanish today, able to bend words to his will. He is also a brave writer, who sees each new book as a fresh challenge.» Sergi Viciana, Fantífica

«No one understands fantasy/horror/action quite like Bueso. Each new novel is a not-to-be-missed delight.» Carlos Ferrán, Crónicas literarias

«A hard-hitting style that goes straight for the jugular. A unique, audacious voice.» A. Guardiola, Fantasymundo

«A great writer. He captivates and wins over the most demanding of readers. » Pilar Castro, El Cultural

«Now that Stephen King is increasingly falling prey to PC blandness, Bueso has decided to seize the burning fuse and blow the world to pieces. » Elia Barceló, La tormenta en un vaso