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Herstory: una historia ilustrada de las mujeres

Herstory | Lumen (PRH), 2018

The history of feminism, from prehistory to #MeToo.

From prehistory to #MeToo, women’s history has been a constant struggle to achieve new spaces of liberty. From a critical perspective, HerstoryAn Illustrated History of Women looks at the milestones, speed bumps, and points of resistance in this struggle that has been fought for centuries by key figures and collective initiatives alike.

A book full of information, inspiring and still unfinished, because women’s struggles are remain unfinished and more and more warriors are joining the ranks.


«Almost 200 pages packed with truly alluring stories, many of them surprising, with eye-catching Illustrations. It tells women’s history in a rigorous and pleasant way that leaves room for a critical approach.» Alberto Martínez Arias, Radio Nacional de España

«This volume is a critical, didactic, and rigorous look at women’s constant struggle to achieve liberty.» Anna Abella

Herstory: una historia ilustrada de las mujeres

Herstory | Lumen (PRH), 2018

The history of feminism, from prehistory to #MeToo.

From prehistory to #MeToo, women’s history has been a constant struggle to achieve new spaces of liberty. From a critical perspective, HerstoryAn Illustrated History of Women looks at the milestones, speed bumps, and points of resistance in this struggle that has been fought for centuries by key figures and collective initiatives alike.

A book full of information, inspiring and still unfinished, because women’s struggles are remain unfinished and more and more warriors are joining the ranks.


«Almost 200 pages packed with truly alluring stories, many of them surprising, with eye-catching Illustrations. It tells women’s history in a rigorous and pleasant way that leaves room for a critical approach.» Alberto Martínez Arias, Radio Nacional de España

«This volume is a critical, didactic, and rigorous look at women’s constant struggle to achieve liberty.» Anna Abella