Enric Pardo is a screenwriter and lecturer in film studies. He has worked for a variety of film and TV producers and is the winner of an Ondas award for his work as writer and producer on the animation TV series Arròs Covat.
His first novel, Todas las chicas besan con los ojos cerrados (Penguin Random House, 2012), was released to widespread acclaim and Filmax is currently working on the big screen adaptation. After the publication of his second novel, Primera temporada (Penguin Random House, 2014), he published a collection of flash fiction stories illustrated by Lyona, La vida es corta y luego te mueres (Penguin Random House, 2015).


Enric Pardo is a screenwriter and lecturer in film studies. He has worked for a variety of film and TV producers and is the winner of an Ondas award for his work as writer and producer on the animation TV series Arròs Covat.
His first novel, Todas las chicas besan con los ojos cerrados (Penguin Random House, 2012), was released to widespread acclaim and Filmax is currently working on the big screen adaptation. After the publication of his second novel, Primera temporada (Penguin Random House, 2014), he published a collection of flash fiction stories illustrated by Lyona, La vida es corta y luego te mueres (Penguin Random House, 2015).

L’home de la casa
The Man of the House | La Magrana, 2025

La vida es corta y luego te mueres
Life is Short and Then You Die | Penguin Random House / Reservoir Books, 2015

Primera temporada
First Season | Penguin Random House, 2014

Todas las chicas besan con los ojos cerrados
All Girls Kiss with they Eyes Closed | Reservoir Books (RHM), 2012