Ricard Ruiz Garzón (Barcelona, 1973) is a writer, curator and creator of Festival 42 (a festival that celebrates the fantasy genre and takes place in Barcelona), and professor at the Ateneu Barcelonès Writing School. Winner of prizes such as Ramon Muntaner, Edebé and Ictineu, he is the author of fifteen co- and independently written books, including Las voces del laberinto (Plaza & Janés, 2005; La Campana 2008); Herba negra (co-written with Salvador Macip, and winner of the Ramon Muntaner Award, Fanbooks, 2016); La Immortal (winner of the Edebé Award, 2017), Mary Shelley i el Monstre de Frankenstein (Angle, 2018; Reino de Cordelia, 2018), Mångata (Edebé, 2020), and Janowitz (co-written with Salvador Macip, Fanbooks; Obscura, 2021). He has also worked on the anthologies Mañana todavía (Fantascy, 2014), Risc/Riesgo (Rata, 2017), Insólitas (Páginas de Espuma, 2019), and Extraordinàries (Males Herbes, 2020), and has contributed to anthologies such as Las Otras (Eolas, 2018) and Barcelona 2059 (Mai Més, 2021).
For a quarter of a century, he has worked as a cultural journalist (TV3, El País, El Periódico, BTV, RAC- 1, Time Out).
His works have been adapted into comics, theatre, and cinema, and have been translated into half a dozen languages. He is a member of the AELC Board (Association of Catalan Writers) and vice-president of IBBYCAT-CLIJCAT. @ricruizgarzon


Ricard Ruiz Garzón (Barcelona, 1973) is a writer, curator and creator of Festival 42 (a festival that celebrates the fantasy genre and takes place in Barcelona), and professor at the Ateneu Barcelonès Writing School. Winner of prizes such as Ramon Muntaner, Edebé and Ictineu, he is the author of fifteen co- and independently written books, including Las voces del laberinto (Plaza & Janés, 2005; La Campana 2008); Herba negra (co-written with Salvador Macip, and winner of the Ramon Muntaner Award, Fanbooks, 2016); La Immortal (winner of the Edebé Award, 2017), Mary Shelley i el Monstre de Frankenstein (Angle, 2018; Reino de Cordelia, 2018), Mångata (Edebé, 2020), and Janowitz (co-written with Salvador Macip, Fanbooks; Obscura, 2021). He has also worked on the anthologies Mañana todavía (Fantascy, 2014), Risc/Riesgo (Rata, 2017), Insólitas (Páginas de Espuma, 2019), and Extraordinàries (Males Herbes, 2020), and has contributed to anthologies such as Las Otras (Eolas, 2018) and Barcelona 2059 (Mai Més, 2021).
For a quarter of a century, he has worked as a cultural journalist (TV3, El País, El Periódico, BTV, RAC- 1, Time Out).
His works have been adapted into comics, theatre, and cinema, and have been translated into half a dozen languages. He is a member of the AELC Board (Association of Catalan Writers) and vice-president of IBBYCAT-CLIJCAT. @ricruizgarzon