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El collar del neandertal

The Neanderthal’s Necklace | Destino, 2019 / Temas de Hoy, 1999

Neanderthals are at the center of this compelling narrative by Europe’s leading anthropologist, not because they were our ancestors but because they were not.

Members of a parallel humanity that evolved in Europe for hundreds of thousands of years, they were in direct competition with Cro-Magnons — modern humans. The way Neanderthals lived and the reasons why they disappeared 50,000 years ago offer a surprising mirror in which we can examine and learn more about ourselves. Illustrated, concise and readable, this is a fascinating exploration of human origins.


Catalan: Columna; Brazil: Globo; Croatia: Izvori; France: Odile Jacob; Germany: Europa Verlag; Japan: Shinhyoron; Netherlands: Wereldbibliotheek; Poland: Znak; Portugal: Gradiva; UK: John Wiley & Sons; US: Four Walls Eight Windows

El collar del neandertal

The Neanderthal’s Necklace | Destino, 2019 / Temas de Hoy, 1999

Neanderthals are at the center of this compelling narrative by Europe’s leading anthropologist, not because they were our ancestors but because they were not.

Members of a parallel humanity that evolved in Europe for hundreds of thousands of years, they were in direct competition with Cro-Magnons — modern humans. The way Neanderthals lived and the reasons why they disappeared 50,000 years ago offer a surprising mirror in which we can examine and learn more about ourselves. Illustrated, concise and readable, this is a fascinating exploration of human origins.


Catalan: Columna; Brazil: Globo; Croatia: Izvori; France: Odile Jacob; Germany: Europa Verlag; Japan: Shinhyoron; Netherlands: Wereldbibliotheek; Poland: Znak; Portugal: Gradiva; UK: John Wiley & Sons; US: Four Walls Eight Windows

La conciencia contada por un sapiens a un neandertal

Consciousness Told From A Sapiens To A Neanderthal | Alfaguara, 2024

Al otro lado de la niebla

On the Other Side of the Fog | Destino/Planeta, 2024; Suma/PRH, 2005

Nuestro cuerpo: siete millones de años de evolución

Our Body: Seven Million Years of Evolution | Destino/Planeta, 2023

La muerte contada por un sapiens a un neandertal

Death Told By A Sapiens To A Neanderthal | Alfaguara/PRH, 2022

La vida contada por un sapiens a un neandertal

Life Told By A Sapiens To A Neanderthal | Alfaguara/PRH, 2020

Vida, la gran historia

Life, the Great Story | Destino/Planeta, 2019


Amalur. The Atom in the Mind | Destino/Planeta, 2019

La especie elegida

The Chosen Species | Destino, 2019 / Temas de Hoy, 1997

El sello indeleble. Pasado, presente y futuro del ser humano

The Human Signature | Debate/Planeta, 2013

El primer viaje de nuestra vida

The First Journey of Our Life | Temas de Hoy/Planeta, 2012

Breve historia de la Tierra (con nosotros dentro)

A Brief History of Earth | Temas de hoy, 2010

El reloj de Mr. Darwin

Mr. Darwin's Clock | Temas de Hoy/Planeta, 2009

Mi primer libro de la Prehistoria. Cuando el mundo era niño

My First Prehistory Book. When the World Was Just a Child | Espasa, 2008

La saga humana

The Human Saga | Edaf, 2007

Al otro lado de la niebla

On the Other Side of the Fog | Suma/PRH, 2005

El mundo de Atapuerca

The World of Atapuerca | Plaza & Janés/PRH, 2004

Los aborígenes

The Aborigines. Feeding and Human Evolution | RBA, 2002

El enigma de la esfinge

The Sphinx Enigma | Plaza & Janés/PRH, 2001