Ana Alonso (Terrassa, 1970) graduated in Biological Sciences at the University of León, and completed her studies in Scotland and Paris. Alonso is currently a prolific author with multiple awards and works as well translating North American and British classic authors.
She has published eight collections of poetry and won, among others, the prizes Poesía Hiperión (2005), Ojo crítico de poesía (2006), Antonio Machado in Baeza (2007), the Alfons el Magnànim València award for poetry in Spanish (2008) and the Manuel Acuña Award in Mexico (2017) for her work Todo lo abierto (Altrasante, 2017).
Along with Javier Pelegrín, she is the author of the fantasy & sci-fi series La llave del tiempo (Anaya, 2006-2010), translated into several languages. In 2008, they won the Barco de Vapor prize for another novel written together, El secreto de If (SM, 2017). Other titles, also in collaboration with Javier Pelegrín, are the trilogy Tatuaje (Viceversa, 2010-2011), La casa de muñecas (Oxford, 2011), the trilogy Yinn (Anaya, 2012-2013), the series Agencia Salamandra (La Galera, 2012), and the graphic novel La ciudad transparente (El jinete azul, 2012), which obtained Bologna’s White Raven Prize in 2012.
She has also published on her own more than one hundred MG and YA books within the collection Pizca de Sal (Anaya), as well as several children’s books for Oxford. Among her YA saga’s one should mention Odio el rosa (Oxford, 2014-2016) and Luna y los incorpóreos (Oxford, 2018-). In 2021 she debuted in the adult fiction with Los colores del tiempo (Espasa, 2021).
The saga La llave del tiempo (Anaya, 2006-2010), was selected by the prestigious magazine “El tempo de las mil puertas” as one of the best YA novels of all time. Furthermore, the Libraries of New York Association named La princesa inca (Anaya, 2019) as one of the best children’s books of 2019.
Her works have been widely praised and has been translated into 13 languages, including English, German, Dutch and Korean.


Ana Alonso (Terrassa, 1970) graduated in Biological Sciences at the University of León, and completed her studies in Scotland and Paris. Alonso is currently a prolific author with multiple awards and works as well translating North American and British classic authors.
She has published eight collections of poetry and won, among others, the prizes Poesía Hiperión (2005), Ojo crítico de poesía (2006), Antonio Machado in Baeza (2007), the Alfons el Magnànim València award for poetry in Spanish (2008) and the Manuel Acuña Award in Mexico (2017) for her work Todo lo abierto (Altrasante, 2017).
Along with Javier Pelegrín, she is the author of the fantasy & sci-fi series La llave del tiempo (Anaya, 2006-2010), translated into several languages. In 2008, they won the Barco de Vapor prize for another novel written together, El secreto de If (SM, 2017). Other titles, also in collaboration with Javier Pelegrín, are the trilogy Tatuaje (Viceversa, 2010-2011), La casa de muñecas (Oxford, 2011), the trilogy Yinn (Anaya, 2012-2013), the series Agencia Salamandra (La Galera, 2012), and the graphic novel La ciudad transparente (El jinete azul, 2012), which obtained Bologna’s White Raven Prize in 2012.
She has also published on her own more than one hundred MG and YA books within the collection Pizca de Sal (Anaya), as well as several children’s books for Oxford. Among her YA saga’s one should mention Odio el rosa (Oxford, 2014-2016) and Luna y los incorpóreos (Oxford, 2018-). In 2021 she debuted in the adult fiction with Los colores del tiempo (Espasa, 2021).
The saga La llave del tiempo (Anaya, 2006-2010), was selected by the prestigious magazine “El tempo de las mil puertas” as one of the best YA novels of all time. Furthermore, the Libraries of New York Association named La princesa inca (Anaya, 2019) as one of the best children’s books of 2019.
Her works have been widely praised and has been translated into 13 languages, including English, German, Dutch and Korean.

Los mejores cuentos de Andersen
The Best Andersen Tales | Anaya, 2025

Historias enredadas… serie
Tangled History... series | Anaya, 2024-

Yo quería entender el universo
I Wanted to Understand the Universe | Anaya, 2024

Gravedad 1
Gravity 1 | Anaya, 2024

Los secretos dormidos
The Asleep Secrets | Oxford, 2024

Akademia Sakura
Sakura Academy | La Esfera Azul, 2023

Luna y los incorpóreos
Luna And The Incorporeals | Oxford, 2018 -

Pizca de sal… serie
Pinch of Salt... series | Anaya, 2010-