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Elizabeth Duval (Madrid, 2000) graduated in Philosophy at the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and French Language and Literature in the Université Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle and is a regular contributor in national media outlets like, Público, El País, CTXT, La Sexta TV or PlayZ by RTVE.

She writes poetry, prose, theater, and essay and explores the intersection between text and audiovisual media. In 2017, she was featured on the cover of the journal Tentaciones with a report entitled “The Future is Trans,” and she has been a visible activist in this movement since the age of fourteen.

In 2020 she published Reina (PRH-Caballo de Troya), the first memoir Spain by a woman from Generation Z, as well as Exception (Letraversal), a long poem about the streets on fire. In 2021 she published the essay Después de lo trans (La Caja Books, 2021), and the novel Madrid será la tumba (Lengua de Trapo, 2021) that has was praised by critics and readers alike.

In 2023 she published Melancolía (Temas de Hoy, 2023), a sociopolitical essay on how to recover hope when facing a grim future.

👁‍🗨 «One of the most brilliant minds of the new generation» Wolfram Eilenberger

👁‍🗨 «Duval: the most high-profile name among the essayists who have been emerging these last few years» Tom Avendaño, El País

© Ariadna Rojas

Elizabeth DUVAL

© Ariadna Rojas

Elizabeth Duval (Madrid, 2000) graduated in Philosophy at the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and French Language and Literature in the Université Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle and is a regular contributor in national media outlets like, Público, El País, CTXT, La Sexta TV or PlayZ by RTVE.

She writes poetry, prose, theater, and essay and explores the intersection between text and audiovisual media. In 2017, she was featured on the cover of the journal Tentaciones with a report entitled “The Future is Trans,” and she has been a visible activist in this movement since the age of fourteen.

In 2020 she published Reina (PRH-Caballo de Troya), the first memoir Spain by a woman from Generation Z, as well as Exception (Letraversal), a long poem about the streets on fire. In 2021 she published the essay Después de lo trans (La Caja Books, 2021), and the novel Madrid será la tumba (Lengua de Trapo, 2021) that has was praised by critics and readers alike.

In 2023 she published Melancolía (Temas de Hoy, 2023), a sociopolitical essay on how to recover hope when facing a grim future.

👁‍🗨 «One of the most brilliant minds of the new generation» Wolfram Eilenberger

👁‍🗨 «Duval: the most high-profile name among the essayists who have been emerging these last few years» Tom Avendaño, El País