Many thousands of years ago, in a world that has little in common with our world, yet was also ours, a boy called Piojo (Louse), who has only known cruelty from the man who has been his caretaker since he was orphaned, decides to strike out on his own struggle for existence. Piojo grows in his search for a place among his people, learning to handle himself in a world that is hostile but, at the same time, offers him a unique opportunity to survive and find happiness at last.
Following the success of The Chosen Species and The Neanderthal’s Necklace, renowned paleontologist Juan Luis Arsuaga, co-director of the Atapuerca excavations, has written his first novel with the declared intent to combine his immense wealth of scientific knowledge with the evocative legends of wise men all over the world, including our own land. The result is a story with mythic resonance and in which the inner prehistoric man we all hide within will no doubt recognize himself.
«This incursion into fiction by Arsuaga will surprise for its boldness, for its originality and, of course, for its high quality.» Care Santos, El Mundo
Many thousands of years ago, in a world that has little in common with our world, yet was also ours, a boy called Piojo (Louse), who has only known cruelty from the man who has been his caretaker since he was orphaned, decides to strike out on his own struggle for existence. Piojo grows in his search for a place among his people, learning to handle himself in a world that is hostile but, at the same time, offers him a unique opportunity to survive and find happiness at last.
Following the success of The Chosen Species and The Neanderthal’s Necklace, renowned paleontologist Juan Luis Arsuaga, co-director of the Atapuerca excavations, has written his first novel with the declared intent to combine his immense wealth of scientific knowledge with the evocative legends of wise men all over the world, including our own land. The result is a story with mythic resonance and in which the inner prehistoric man we all hide within will no doubt recognize himself.
«This incursion into fiction by Arsuaga will surprise for its boldness, for its originality and, of course, for its high quality.» Care Santos, El Mundo
Consciousness Told From A Sapiens To A Neanderthal | Alfaguara, 2024
On the Other Side of the Fog | Destino/Planeta, 2024; Suma/PRH, 2005
Our Body: Seven Million Years of Evolution | Destino/Planeta, 2023
Death Told By A Sapiens To A Neanderthal | Alfaguara/PRH, 2022
Life Told By A Sapiens To A Neanderthal | Alfaguara/PRH, 2020
Life, the Great Story | Destino/Planeta, 2019
Amalur. The Atom in the Mind | Destino/Planeta, 2019
The Neanderthal’s Necklace | Destino, 2019 / Temas de Hoy, 1999
The Chosen Species | Destino, 2019 / Temas de Hoy, 1997
The Human Signature | Debate/Planeta, 2013
The First Journey of Our Life | Temas de Hoy/Planeta, 2012
A Brief History of Earth | Temas de hoy, 2010
Mr. Darwin's Clock | Temas de Hoy/Planeta, 2009
My First Prehistory Book. When the World Was Just a Child | Espasa, 2008
The Human Saga | Edaf, 2007
The World of Atapuerca | Plaza & Janés/PRH, 2004
The Aborigines. Feeding and Human Evolution | RBA, 2002
The Sphinx Enigma | Plaza & Janés/PRH, 2001