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El escondite inglés

Alba, 1997

Novela de intriga y humor en torno al robo de un cuadro de Goya durante una exposición en Londres: Nuria pierde su maleta nada más aterrizar en Londres. Lo que no imagina es que esa pequeña desgracia desencadenará una aventura en la que se verá implicada junto a un turbio funcionario diplomático, un embajador con fama de Don Juan, dos detectives fuera de onda, un policía que quiere ser Sherlock Holmes, un pacífico vagabundo y un autorretrato de Francisco de Goya. Una multitud de divertidos personajes que se refugian en este escondite inglés convertido en un juego lleno de humor e intriga, con un ritmo trepidante.

(Red Light, Green Light) A novel  full of thrills and humor developed around the robbery of one of Goya´s paintings during its exposition in London. Nuria loses her suitcase as soon as she lands in London. What she can’t possibly imagine is how that small stroke of bad luck will set off a chain of events that involve her in an adventure with a shady diplomatic official, an ambassador with a reputation as a ladies’ man, two clueless detectives, a policeman who wants to be Sherlock Holmes, a peaceful tramp and a self-portrait by Francisco de Goya. Many different fun characters take part in this game filled with humour and suspense that’s as tremendously fast paced as the author’s previous novel, Holy Disaster.

(Spain, Alba)



«A fun mystery novel, whose greatest feat is the combination of typical thriller elements with those of a high comedy, in an intense crescendo that intrigues and surprises the reader (…) A very entertaining novel, a great read.» Babelia

El escondite inglés

Alba, 1997

Novela de intriga y humor en torno al robo de un cuadro de Goya durante una exposición en Londres: Nuria pierde su maleta nada más aterrizar en Londres. Lo que no imagina es que esa pequeña desgracia desencadenará una aventura en la que se verá implicada junto a un turbio funcionario diplomático, un embajador con fama de Don Juan, dos detectives fuera de onda, un policía que quiere ser Sherlock Holmes, un pacífico vagabundo y un autorretrato de Francisco de Goya. Una multitud de divertidos personajes que se refugian en este escondite inglés convertido en un juego lleno de humor e intriga, con un ritmo trepidante.

(Red Light, Green Light) A novel  full of thrills and humor developed around the robbery of one of Goya´s paintings during its exposition in London. Nuria loses her suitcase as soon as she lands in London. What she can’t possibly imagine is how that small stroke of bad luck will set off a chain of events that involve her in an adventure with a shady diplomatic official, an ambassador with a reputation as a ladies’ man, two clueless detectives, a policeman who wants to be Sherlock Holmes, a peaceful tramp and a self-portrait by Francisco de Goya. Many different fun characters take part in this game filled with humour and suspense that’s as tremendously fast paced as the author’s previous novel, Holy Disaster.

(Spain, Alba)



«A fun mystery novel, whose greatest feat is the combination of typical thriller elements with those of a high comedy, in an intense crescendo that intrigues and surprises the reader (…) A very entertaining novel, a great read.» Babelia