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El mundo de Atapuerca

The World of Atapuerca | Plaza & Janés/PRH, 2004

Archeological sites are places where one digs in order to find objects from the past. If they are bones, paleontologists study them; if they are material evidence of human culture, they are studied by archeologists. Looked at in this way, a site is a bin.

But Atapuerca is much more than that. To begin with, Atapuerca is not the name of a site, but rather of a mountain that contains many sites. It is a bin of bins. And it’s not just any old place, it has been inscribed in the World Heritage list, and therefore belongs to all humanity. The Sierra de Atapuerca, in addition, has a skin, its landscape, which has been worn by geological and biological agents and human activity over a very long period of time. This activity includes the work of researchers, which has altered, recently but significantly, its appearance.

So Atapuerca is a condenser of history, with an inside and an outside. In other words, Atapuerca is an accumulator of histories, in the plural. Histories which have been collected and told by Juan Luis Arsuaga and his collaborators Alfonso Esquivel and Milagros Algaba, and delicately illustrated by Fernando Fueyo. And which constitute a territory of imagination and fantasy.

El mundo de Atapuerca

The World of Atapuerca | Plaza & Janés/PRH, 2004

Archeological sites are places where one digs in order to find objects from the past. If they are bones, paleontologists study them; if they are material evidence of human culture, they are studied by archeologists. Looked at in this way, a site is a bin.

But Atapuerca is much more than that. To begin with, Atapuerca is not the name of a site, but rather of a mountain that contains many sites. It is a bin of bins. And it’s not just any old place, it has been inscribed in the World Heritage list, and therefore belongs to all humanity. The Sierra de Atapuerca, in addition, has a skin, its landscape, which has been worn by geological and biological agents and human activity over a very long period of time. This activity includes the work of researchers, which has altered, recently but significantly, its appearance.

So Atapuerca is a condenser of history, with an inside and an outside. In other words, Atapuerca is an accumulator of histories, in the plural. Histories which have been collected and told by Juan Luis Arsuaga and his collaborators Alfonso Esquivel and Milagros Algaba, and delicately illustrated by Fernando Fueyo. And which constitute a territory of imagination and fantasy.

La conciencia contada por un sapiens a un neandertal

Consciousness Told From A Sapiens To A Neanderthal | Alfaguara, 2024

Al otro lado de la niebla

On the Other Side of the Fog | Destino/Planeta, 2024; Suma/PRH, 2005

Nuestro cuerpo: siete millones de años de evolución

Our Body: Seven Million Years of Evolution | Destino/Planeta, 2023

La muerte contada por un sapiens a un neandertal

Death Told By A Sapiens To A Neanderthal | Alfaguara/PRH, 2022

La vida contada por un sapiens a un neandertal

Life Told By A Sapiens To A Neanderthal | Alfaguara/PRH, 2020

Vida, la gran historia

Life, the Great Story | Destino/Planeta, 2019

El collar del neandertal

The Neanderthal’s Necklace | Destino, 2019 / Temas de Hoy, 1999


Amalur. The Atom in the Mind | Destino/Planeta, 2019

La especie elegida

The Chosen Species | Destino, 2019 / Temas de Hoy, 1997

El sello indeleble. Pasado, presente y futuro del ser humano

The Human Signature | Debate/Planeta, 2013

El primer viaje de nuestra vida

The First Journey of Our Life | Temas de Hoy/Planeta, 2012

Breve historia de la Tierra (con nosotros dentro)

A Brief History of Earth | Temas de hoy, 2010

El reloj de Mr. Darwin

Mr. Darwin's Clock | Temas de Hoy/Planeta, 2009

Mi primer libro de la Prehistoria. Cuando el mundo era niño

My First Prehistory Book. When the World Was Just a Child | Espasa, 2008

La saga humana

The Human Saga | Edaf, 2007

Al otro lado de la niebla

On the Other Side of the Fog | Suma/PRH, 2005

Los aborígenes

The Aborigines. Feeding and Human Evolution | RBA, 2002

El enigma de la esfinge

The Sphinx Enigma | Plaza & Janés/PRH, 2001