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Historias enredadas… serie

Tangled History… series | Anaya, 2024-

A collection to discover the craziest curiosities of history and how they relate to today’s world.

Hi, I’m Aurora Mores! I found the Atlas of Lost Time in an attic and now I’m jumping from epoch to epoch and discovering very interesting things!

Would you like to design your own Neolithic necklace, or a bracelet in the style of the Metal Age? Did you know that prehistoric humans wore underwear made of grass? And they could sew, well, and play the flute! And speaking of music, did you know that one of the most famous fossils is named after a Beatles song? If you want to find out which one it is, and discover lots of other curiosities about prehistory: start reading!

In Prehistory

Would you like to design your own Neolithic necklace, or a bracelet in the style of the Metal Age? Did you know that prehistoric humans wore underwear made of grass? And they could sew, well, and play the flute! And speaking of music, did you know that one of the most famous fossils is named after a Beatles song? If you want to find out which one it is, and discover lots of other curiosities about prehistory: start reading!

In Ancient Rome

Did you know that the ancient Romans used roosters to predict the future? And that the Emperor Epoch tried to make his horse a consul? And speaking of emperors, Emperor Trajan had a colourfully painted memorial column built for him! It was like a stone comic book with his exploits carved on it. Although for exploits, those of some Roman gods, and for comic strips, the one you can draw with me after inventing your own mythological adventure.

Do you dare to travel with me to ancient Rome?

Historias enredadas… serie

Tangled History… series | Anaya, 2024-

A collection to discover the craziest curiosities of history and how they relate to today’s world.

Hi, I’m Aurora Mores! I found the Atlas of Lost Time in an attic and now I’m jumping from epoch to epoch and discovering very interesting things!

Would you like to design your own Neolithic necklace, or a bracelet in the style of the Metal Age? Did you know that prehistoric humans wore underwear made of grass? And they could sew, well, and play the flute! And speaking of music, did you know that one of the most famous fossils is named after a Beatles song? If you want to find out which one it is, and discover lots of other curiosities about prehistory: start reading!

In Prehistory

Would you like to design your own Neolithic necklace, or a bracelet in the style of the Metal Age? Did you know that prehistoric humans wore underwear made of grass? And they could sew, well, and play the flute! And speaking of music, did you know that one of the most famous fossils is named after a Beatles song? If you want to find out which one it is, and discover lots of other curiosities about prehistory: start reading!

In Ancient Rome

Did you know that the ancient Romans used roosters to predict the future? And that the Emperor Epoch tried to make his horse a consul? And speaking of emperors, Emperor Trajan had a colourfully painted memorial column built for him! It was like a stone comic book with his exploits carved on it. Although for exploits, those of some Roman gods, and for comic strips, the one you can draw with me after inventing your own mythological adventure.

Do you dare to travel with me to ancient Rome?