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Instruccions per passar a la història

Instructions So You Can Have A Place in History | Rosa dels vents, 2020

In this book, Malcolm Otero and Santi Giménez give us the answer. Clear, direct, and straightforward, the answer is: to be a true scoundrel. What does it take to be someone who is admired by the masses, someone who big city avenues and streets are named after, someone who is quoted by politicians and socialites, and has a statue in the middle of main squares throughout the world with pigeons defecating all over you?

Harsh and insightful, Otero and Giménez list the characteristics common to many of the great men and women in history, as a guide to follow their example and become another illustrious human, just like them. Some of these infallible qualities are: lacking any moral principles, mistreating animals, being a pedophile, misogynist, dirty, cheat, swindler, religious fanatic, or just simply being born French.

These are some of the twenty characteristics that this book summarizes in a sort of accelerated course to pass into posterity. If you follow these examples, we assure you that you will be a top notch unpresentable being who will be admired by all levels of society.


Spanish: Ediciones B/PRH

Instruccions per passar a la història

Instructions So You Can Have A Place in History | Rosa dels vents, 2020

In this book, Malcolm Otero and Santi Giménez give us the answer. Clear, direct, and straightforward, the answer is: to be a true scoundrel. What does it take to be someone who is admired by the masses, someone who big city avenues and streets are named after, someone who is quoted by politicians and socialites, and has a statue in the middle of main squares throughout the world with pigeons defecating all over you?

Harsh and insightful, Otero and Giménez list the characteristics common to many of the great men and women in history, as a guide to follow their example and become another illustrious human, just like them. Some of these infallible qualities are: lacking any moral principles, mistreating animals, being a pedophile, misogynist, dirty, cheat, swindler, religious fanatic, or just simply being born French.

These are some of the twenty characteristics that this book summarizes in a sort of accelerated course to pass into posterity. If you follow these examples, we assure you that you will be a top notch unpresentable being who will be admired by all levels of society.


Spanish: Ediciones B/PRH