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La ternura del dragón

The Tenderness of the Dragon | Anagrama, 1985; Seix Barral, 2011

Miguel, a “seriously ill” adolescent, who has to stay in bed for a spell, is going to live at his grandparents’ house, and enters it as if he were entering “into a novel.”

During the initial phase, the narration builds a happy world where all the people and things that surround Miguel appear to be enshrouded in a golden haze. But at a certain moment, the blurry silhouettes at which Miguel was marvelling begin to worry him: his dreams become a nightmare and what began almost as an elegy, transforms into a mystery novel.


«Martínez de Pisón –without doubt, one of the most important discoveries within the new Spanish narrative – demonstrates in this novel, which is as short as it is intense, a power of invention, of rare perception.» Luis Mateo Díez

«An first great novel» Rafael Conte

«A delicious little novel to be read in one sitting, full of intrigue, well traced characters and organized with great certainty… Admirable technique and mastery.» Sara Suárez, Cuadernos del Norte

La ternura del dragón

The Tenderness of the Dragon | Anagrama, 1985; Seix Barral, 2011

Miguel, a “seriously ill” adolescent, who has to stay in bed for a spell, is going to live at his grandparents’ house, and enters it as if he were entering “into a novel.”

During the initial phase, the narration builds a happy world where all the people and things that surround Miguel appear to be enshrouded in a golden haze. But at a certain moment, the blurry silhouettes at which Miguel was marvelling begin to worry him: his dreams become a nightmare and what began almost as an elegy, transforms into a mystery novel.


«Martínez de Pisón –without doubt, one of the most important discoveries within the new Spanish narrative – demonstrates in this novel, which is as short as it is intense, a power of invention, of rare perception.» Luis Mateo Díez

«An first great novel» Rafael Conte

«A delicious little novel to be read in one sitting, full of intrigue, well traced characters and organized with great certainty… Admirable technique and mastery.» Sara Suárez, Cuadernos del Norte