Drought plagues the African savannah. Grass is scarce, fruit withers on the vine and plants do not sprout. A group of Australopithecus is about to starve to death. Luckily, an eager, bold teenage female will find a new source of nourishment in the marrow filling the bones of dead herbivores. What is the connection between what we eat and what we look like? What changes in our feeding and behavioral patterns have we undergone to become who we are?
The Aborigines is a passionate tale about the eating habits of our ancestors – did Australopithecus, Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons eat grain from the savannah or fruits from the forest? How did they break nutshells? When did they start hunting? And what about «cooking»? What tools did they use to unearth tubers? The study of bones and fossils tells us many things about the progressive change from nourishment to gastronomy, from food to culture.
Catalan: Columna; Italy: Mondadori
Drought plagues the African savannah. Grass is scarce, fruit withers on the vine and plants do not sprout. A group of Australopithecus is about to starve to death. Luckily, an eager, bold teenage female will find a new source of nourishment in the marrow filling the bones of dead herbivores. What is the connection between what we eat and what we look like? What changes in our feeding and behavioral patterns have we undergone to become who we are?
The Aborigines is a passionate tale about the eating habits of our ancestors – did Australopithecus, Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons eat grain from the savannah or fruits from the forest? How did they break nutshells? When did they start hunting? And what about «cooking»? What tools did they use to unearth tubers? The study of bones and fossils tells us many things about the progressive change from nourishment to gastronomy, from food to culture.
Catalan: Columna; Italy: Mondadori
Consciousness Told From A Sapiens To A Neanderthal | Alfaguara, 2024
On the Other Side of the Fog | Destino/Planeta, 2024; Suma/PRH, 2005
Our Body: Seven Million Years of Evolution | Destino/Planeta, 2023
Death Told By A Sapiens To A Neanderthal | Alfaguara/PRH, 2022
Life Told By A Sapiens To A Neanderthal | Alfaguara/PRH, 2020
Life, the Great Story | Destino/Planeta, 2019
Amalur. The Atom in the Mind | Destino/Planeta, 2019
The Neanderthal’s Necklace | Destino, 2019 / Temas de Hoy, 1999
The Chosen Species | Destino, 2019 / Temas de Hoy, 1997
The Human Signature | Debate/Planeta, 2013
The First Journey of Our Life | Temas de Hoy/Planeta, 2012
A Brief History of Earth | Temas de hoy, 2010
Mr. Darwin's Clock | Temas de Hoy/Planeta, 2009
My First Prehistory Book. When the World Was Just a Child | Espasa, 2008
The Human Saga | Edaf, 2007
On the Other Side of the Fog | Suma/PRH, 2005
The World of Atapuerca | Plaza & Janés/PRH, 2004
The Sphinx Enigma | Plaza & Janés/PRH, 2001