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Poesía reunida / Aforismos

Lumen, 2016 | Collected Poetry / Aphorisms

(Collected Poetry / Aphorisms)

The poetry of Ramon Andrés, one of the most original and essential poets and essayists on Spain’s literary scene, assembled in one volume for the first time.

Ramón Andrés is a writer whose voice resounds with equal force in essays, philosophy and poetry alike, forever turning the essential questions over in his mind, stealthily and ever alert. For the first time, this volume gathers together his poetic output, made up of Siempre génesis –an unpublished work written between 2013 and 2015- and Poemas anteriores, a selection of his early poetry hand-picked by the author himself and encompassing the period from 1978 to 1998. Part two is made up of his aphorisms, including both the unpublished works Puntos de fuga, Malas raíces and Los extremos, first released by Lumen back in 2011, mediations on an array of subjects and reflections on the origin of words, taking a more light-hearted approach to the same questions into which his verses delve.

The voice that emerges from this book, filled with serenity and wisdom, strolls though forests and atop Nordic cliffs, striking up a dialogue with the shadows that follow in its wake, refusing to be caught up in the breakneck speed of our times, listening to the music that precedes us and discovering spaces for silence and reflection: “as if you carried the missing son within you.”


“Lumen has gathered together his essential poems in a volume rounded out with his aphoristic output.” Sergi Doria, ABC

“The words of Ramón Andrés speak to a return to the essential, to what is inherent to who we are and what has lasted until now.” Daniel Fernández Lopez, Culturamas

Poesía reunida / Aforismos

Lumen, 2016 | Collected Poetry / Aphorisms

(Collected Poetry / Aphorisms)

The poetry of Ramon Andrés, one of the most original and essential poets and essayists on Spain’s literary scene, assembled in one volume for the first time.

Ramón Andrés is a writer whose voice resounds with equal force in essays, philosophy and poetry alike, forever turning the essential questions over in his mind, stealthily and ever alert. For the first time, this volume gathers together his poetic output, made up of Siempre génesis –an unpublished work written between 2013 and 2015- and Poemas anteriores, a selection of his early poetry hand-picked by the author himself and encompassing the period from 1978 to 1998. Part two is made up of his aphorisms, including both the unpublished works Puntos de fuga, Malas raíces and Los extremos, first released by Lumen back in 2011, mediations on an array of subjects and reflections on the origin of words, taking a more light-hearted approach to the same questions into which his verses delve.

The voice that emerges from this book, filled with serenity and wisdom, strolls though forests and atop Nordic cliffs, striking up a dialogue with the shadows that follow in its wake, refusing to be caught up in the breakneck speed of our times, listening to the music that precedes us and discovering spaces for silence and reflection: “as if you carried the missing son within you.”


“Lumen has gathered together his essential poems in a volume rounded out with his aphoristic output.” Sergi Doria, ABC

“The words of Ramón Andrés speak to a return to the essential, to what is inherent to who we are and what has lasted until now.” Daniel Fernández Lopez, Culturamas