Najat El Hachmi was born in Nador (Morocco) in 1979 and moved to Spain when she was eight years old. She has a degree in Arab Studies from the University of Barcelona.
Among her published works, one should mention her novels L’últim patriarca (Planeta, 2008), a debut that won the Ramon Llull Prize and the Prix Ulysse, La filla estrangera (Edicions 62- Destino, 2015 – winner of the Sant Joan Novel Award and the Barcelona City Award) and Mare de llet i de mel, (Edicions 62, 2018). All of them have been widely translated.
After the publication on the celebrated Feminist essay, Sempre han parlat per nosaltres (Edicions 62-Destino, 2019), her latest published work is the novel Dilluns ens estimaran (Edicions 62, Destino, 2021) that received the prestigious Nadal Novel Award 2021.


Najat El Hachmi was born in Nador (Morocco) in 1979 and moved to Spain when she was eight years old. She has a degree in Arab Studies from the University of Barcelona.
Among her published works, one should mention her novels L’últim patriarca (Planeta, 2008), a debut that won the Ramon Llull Prize and the Prix Ulysse, La filla estrangera (Edicions 62- Destino, 2015 – winner of the Sant Joan Novel Award and the Barcelona City Award) and Mare de llet i de mel, (Edicions 62, 2018). All of them have been widely translated.
After the publication on the celebrated Feminist essay, Sempre han parlat per nosaltres (Edicions 62-Destino, 2019), her latest published work is the novel Dilluns ens estimaran (Edicions 62, Destino, 2021) that received the prestigious Nadal Novel Award 2021.

Los secretos de Nur
The Secrets of Nur | Estrella Polar; Destino, 2025

El lunes nos querrán
On Monday They Will Love Us | Edicions 62, 2021; Destino, 2021

Sempre han parlat per nosaltres. Feminisme i identitat
They’ve Always Spoken For Us. Feminism and Identity | Edicions 62, 2019

Mare de llet i mel
Edicions 62, 2018 / Destino, 2018

La filla estrangera
The Foreign Daughter | Edicions 62; Destino, 2015

La caçadora de cossos
Columna: catalán, 2011 / Planeta: castellano, 2011

L’últim patriarca
The Last Patriach | Planeta, 2008

Jo també sóc catalana
Columna, 2004