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Najat El Hachmi was born in Nador (Morocco) in 1979 and moved to Spain when she was eight years old. She has a degree in Arab Studies from the University of Barcelona.

Among her published works, one should mention her novels L’últim patriarca (Planeta, 2008), a debut that won the Ramon Llull Prize and the Prix Ulysse, La filla estrangera (Edicions 62- Destino, 2015 – winner of the Sant Joan Novel Award and the Barcelona City Award) and Mare de llet i de mel, (Edicions 62, 2018). All of them have been widely translated.

After the publication on the celebrated Feminist essay, Sempre han parlat per nosaltres (Edicions 62-Destino, 2019), her latest published work is the novel Dilluns ens estimaran (Edicions 62, Destino, 2021) that received the prestigious Nadal Novel Award 2021.

© Xavier Torres-Bacchetta


© Xavier Torres-Bacchetta

Najat El Hachmi was born in Nador (Morocco) in 1979 and moved to Spain when she was eight years old. She has a degree in Arab Studies from the University of Barcelona.

Among her published works, one should mention her novels L’últim patriarca (Planeta, 2008), a debut that won the Ramon Llull Prize and the Prix Ulysse, La filla estrangera (Edicions 62- Destino, 2015 – winner of the Sant Joan Novel Award and the Barcelona City Award) and Mare de llet i de mel, (Edicions 62, 2018). All of them have been widely translated.

After the publication on the celebrated Feminist essay, Sempre han parlat per nosaltres (Edicions 62-Destino, 2019), her latest published work is the novel Dilluns ens estimaran (Edicions 62, Destino, 2021) that received the prestigious Nadal Novel Award 2021.