¡Enseñame a ser feliz! La primera guía para educar en la felicidad
Teach me to be happy! / Ara Llibres, 2007 (castellano / catalán)
All us mothers and fathers have one unique desire in common: that our children will be happy, but what are we really doing what’s necessary to achieve it?
In Teach me to be happy! we wish to demonstrate with simple exercises and practical suggestions, that it is possible to educate happiness, we just have to teach our children to value what they have, to love and respect those around them, to know how to forgive, how to be critical, to dream, to relax and to accept that things aren’t always as they’d like them to be… Read the book together and you’ll help your children to face the future with maturity. Enjoy yourselves!
→ Co-Author: Àngels Ponce
¡Enseñame a ser feliz! La primera guía para educar en la felicidad
Teach me to be happy! / Ara Llibres, 2007 (castellano / catalán)
All us mothers and fathers have one unique desire in common: that our children will be happy, but what are we really doing what’s necessary to achieve it?
In Teach me to be happy! we wish to demonstrate with simple exercises and practical suggestions, that it is possible to educate happiness, we just have to teach our children to value what they have, to love and respect those around them, to know how to forgive, how to be critical, to dream, to relax and to accept that things aren’t always as they’d like them to be… Read the book together and you’ll help your children to face the future with maturity. Enjoy yourselves!