Ramon Solsona (Barcelona, 1950) is one of the most respected and acclaimed writers on the Catalan literary scene. He has picked up such prestigious awards as the Sant Jordi, the Prudenci Bertrana and the Serra d’Or. He has penned some of the biggest hits on Catalan regional TV and is a regular contributor to the press, radio and television.
Among his most acclaimed novels one should mention: Les hores detingudes (Quaderns Crema, 1993; Serra d’Or Award, Lletra d’Or Award, Prudenci Bertrana Award), DG (Quaderns Crema, 1998), No tornarem mai més (Quaderns Crema, 1999) and Línia blava (Columna, 2004).
After the successful novel L’home de la maleta (Proa, 2010; Sant Jordi Award), he published the acclaimed Tot allò que va passar a Cardós (Proa, 2016) and Disset pianos (Proa, 2019).
His last published novel is the acclaimed Temps enrere (Proa, 2022).
Ramon Solsona (Barcelona, 1950) is one of the most respected and acclaimed writers on the Catalan literary scene. He has picked up such prestigious awards as the Sant Jordi, the Prudenci Bertrana and the Serra d’Or. He has penned some of the biggest hits on Catalan regional TV and is a regular contributor to the press, radio and television.
Among his most acclaimed novels one should mention: Les hores detingudes (Quaderns Crema, 1993; Serra d’Or Award, Lletra d’Or Award, Prudenci Bertrana Award), DG (Quaderns Crema, 1998), No tornarem mai més (Quaderns Crema, 1999) and Línia blava (Columna, 2004).
After the successful novel L’home de la maleta (Proa, 2010; Sant Jordi Award), he published the acclaimed Tot allò que va passar a Cardós (Proa, 2016) and Disset pianos (Proa, 2019).
His last published novel is the acclaimed Temps enrere (Proa, 2022).
Temps enrere
Way Back When | Proa, 2022
Disset Pianos
Seventeen Pianos | Proa, 2019
Allò que va passar a Cardós
What happened in Cardós | Proa / Tusquets, 2016
Botifarra de pagès!
Pòrtic, 2013
L’home de la maleta
The man with the suitcase | Proa, 2011
Cementiri de butxaca
Pocket Graveyard | Columna, 2006
A paraules em convides
You’re Making me Speak | Columna, 2005
Línia blava
Blue Line | Columna, 2004
No tornarem mai més
I'll Be Damned If I Ever Come Back | Quaderns Crema, 1999
General Director | Quaderns Crema, 1998
Ull de bou / Ull de vaca
Eye of the Ox / Eye of the Cow | Quaderns Crema, 1995
Les hores detingudes
The Stale Hours | Quaderns Crema, 1993
Figures de calidoscopi
Kaleidoscope figures | Quaderns Crema, 1989