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Riki Blanco (Barcelona, 1978) is an illustrator and graphic artist. He has done collaborations with publishing houses and several media outlets. He has worked for a wide range of national and international media and has also collaborated in a variety of creative projects. He currently publishes cartoons on a regular basis in El País.

As a cartoonist, both El camino más largo and La poesía que nos merecemos (Reservoir Books, 2021) stand out.


© Riki Blanco


© Riki Blanco

Riki Blanco (Barcelona, 1978) is an illustrator and graphic artist. He has done collaborations with publishing houses and several media outlets. He has worked for a wide range of national and international media and has also collaborated in a variety of creative projects. He currently publishes cartoons on a regular basis in El País.

As a cartoonist, both El camino más largo and La poesía que nos merecemos (Reservoir Books, 2021) stand out.