Today Mirta won´t allow Marquitos to eat chocolate. He decides to do something to get away with it and becomes a thief.
✏️ Ilustrations: Javier Andrada Guerrero
Rayography: How Eleven Guys in Shorts Explain a Neighbourhood, a City, a Country | Debate/PRH, 2023
Hollowface | Tema de Hoy, 2011
Anton Mallick Wants to Be Happy | Destino, 2010
I’m Sorry, All Colours Together Make Black | Destino, 2007
Hunters of Light | Destino, 2005
Heroes and Antiheroes in Literature | Anaya, 2000
The Night of Two Hundred Stars | Lengua de Trapo, 1999
Marquitos Raper | SM, 2020
Marquitos, Superhero | Ediciones SM, 2018
Marquitos Vampire | Ediciones SM, 2014
Marquitos Knight | Ediciones SM, 2009
Detective Marquitos | SM, 2007
Tell Me Five Things You Want Me To Do To You | Espasa Calpe, 1998