Marquitos is playing in the park when some children arrive and bother him.
He defends himself, but his mother scolds him and Marquitos, angry, runs away.
Then he meets some boys who rap.
✏️ Ilustrations: Javier Andrada Guerrero
Rayography: How Eleven Guys in Shorts Explain a Neighbourhood, a City, a Country | Debate/PRH, 2023
Hollowface | Tema de Hoy, 2011
Anton Mallick Wants to Be Happy | Destino, 2010
I’m Sorry, All Colours Together Make Black | Destino, 2007
Hunters of Light | Destino, 2005
Heroes and Antiheroes in Literature | Anaya, 2000
The Night of Two Hundred Stars | Lengua de Trapo, 1999
Marquitos, Superhero | Ediciones SM, 2018
Marquitos Vampire | Ediciones SM, 2014
Marquitos Thief | Ediciones SM, 2012
Marquitos Knight | Ediciones SM, 2009
Detective Marquitos | SM, 2007
Tell Me Five Things You Want Me To Do To You | Espasa Calpe, 1998