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Demasiado no es suficiente

Too much is not enough | Siruela, 2022

After a few years with more shadows than lights between Colombia, Mexico and Iraq, Max returns to Madrid in 2004.

In a bar, the city and the memory of Elsa will fall upon him, when he discovers among his bottles the sculpture of Bastet that adorned El Gato Azul. There he meets Robocop, a former companion from his time as a bodyguard in the Basque Country, and now under the orders of SK, an unscrupulous businessman who will offer him an astronomical sum to risk his life to rescue his daughter Sibila, who has fallen into the hands of the ruthless Bulgarian mafia. But this is just the beginning…

After Yo fumo para olvidar que tú bebes and Mi precio es ninguno, this new instalment in the series starring Max Lomas -already an inexcusable reference in the Spanish noir-crime scene- presents us with a story that is as harsh and disbelieving as it is illuminated by explosions of the most intelligent humour, which updates and pays homage to the classics of the genre in equal measure.


«Since his first book, Martín Casariego’s narrative work has won awards and the recognition of critics, who have always valued his novels for their enquiry into intimate feelings and conflicts.» Ana Rodríguez Fischer, El País

«Some amazingly agile and brilliant dialogue, and a few perfectly chosen songs as soundtracks to set the scene.». Pilar Castro, ABC 

«With a flavour of westerns, film noir and snappy dialogue, each page is a cocktail of literature and pulp that will delight any reader. The Max Lomas saga has carved out a prominent place for itself in the gallery of the most solid characters of the noir novel.». Pedro Brotini, El primer marcapáginas

Demasiado no es suficiente

Too much is not enough | Siruela, 2022

After a few years with more shadows than lights between Colombia, Mexico and Iraq, Max returns to Madrid in 2004.

In a bar, the city and the memory of Elsa will fall upon him, when he discovers among his bottles the sculpture of Bastet that adorned El Gato Azul. There he meets Robocop, a former companion from his time as a bodyguard in the Basque Country, and now under the orders of SK, an unscrupulous businessman who will offer him an astronomical sum to risk his life to rescue his daughter Sibila, who has fallen into the hands of the ruthless Bulgarian mafia. But this is just the beginning…

After Yo fumo para olvidar que tú bebes and Mi precio es ninguno, this new instalment in the series starring Max Lomas -already an inexcusable reference in the Spanish noir-crime scene- presents us with a story that is as harsh and disbelieving as it is illuminated by explosions of the most intelligent humour, which updates and pays homage to the classics of the genre in equal measure.


«Since his first book, Martín Casariego’s narrative work has won awards and the recognition of critics, who have always valued his novels for their enquiry into intimate feelings and conflicts.» Ana Rodríguez Fischer, El País

«Some amazingly agile and brilliant dialogue, and a few perfectly chosen songs as soundtracks to set the scene.». Pilar Castro, ABC 

«With a flavour of westerns, film noir and snappy dialogue, each page is a cocktail of literature and pulp that will delight any reader. The Max Lomas saga has carved out a prominent place for itself in the gallery of the most solid characters of the noir novel.». Pedro Brotini, El primer marcapáginas

Mi precio es ninguno

I Don't Have a Price | Siruela, 2021

Yo fumo para olvidar que tú bebes

Siruela, 2020 | I Smoke to Forget That You Drink

Con las suelas al viento

La línea del horizonte, 2017

Escrito en el cielo. Madrid imaginada en la literatura (1977-2017)

Written on the Sky | Alfaguara, 2017

El capitán Miguel y Juan el Navegante

(Captain Miguel and Juan the Navigator) Anaya, 2016

Como los pájaros aman el aire

(Like Birds Love the Air) Siruela, 2016

El juego sigue sin mí

(The Game Goes On Without Me) Siruela, 2015

La jauría y la niebla

(The Hounds and the Fog) Algaida, 2009

Qué poca prisa se da el amor

(Love doesn´t hurry) Anaya, 1997

Y decirte alguna estupidez, por ejemplo, te quiero

(And to tell you something stupid, like say, I love you) Anaya, 1995

El chico que imitaba a Roberto Carlos

(The boy who imitated Roberto Carlos) Anaya, 1996

Qué te voy a contar

(What I’m going to tell you) Anagrama, 1989

Algunas chicas son como todas

(Some girls are like all the others) Plot, 1992 / Espasa Calpe, 2000

La hija del coronel

(The Colonel’s Daugther) Algaida, 1997

Por el camino de Ulectra

(On the Road to Ulectra) Anaya, 2007

Dos en una

Two in One | Anaya, 2002

La colección «Pisco»

Pisco Collection / Anaya 1996

Nieve al sol

(Snow in the Sun) Espasa Calpe, 2004

Campos enteros llenos de flores

(In The Full Bloom) El Aleph, 2001

La primavera corta, el largo invierno

(Short Spring, Long Winter) Espasa Calpe, 1999

Un amigo así

(A Friend Like This) Planeta, 2013

El capitán Miguel y el misterio de la daga milanesa

Captain Miguel and the Mystery of the Milanese Dagger | Anaya, 2015