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Hilo musical

Musical Thread | Alpha-Decay / Héroes modernos, 2010

» Nuevo talento FNAC 2010

Hilo musical could be defined as a novel of initiation, a romantic fable full of strange animals with a single moral: all of us, no matter how much we resist, are condemned to grow up. However, we like to see it as a compendium of all those things that truly matter when you’re young: love, bumper cars, summers of recognition, girls with high pigtails and knee socks, pop music, chewing gum that explodes like sunsets and that strange sensation of discovering a world that offers itself before our eyes like a huge cream cake ready to be devoured.

Hilo musical is this and many other beautiful things whose secret we know all too well, although sometimes they almost make us forget it.


«The first novel by Miqui Otero, who has excelled in music journalism, represents, without a doubt, one of the most successful works that the genre has offered us in recent years. Its freshness, its imagination, overflowing but also refined, the amusing but tight plots it invents, the worlds it describes, make this book an amusing version of the initiation novel, brimming with colour.» Juan Ángel Juristo, ABC

«Furious modernity, honesty and immediacy distinguish a novel that will interest those who are lost on the border between adolescence and adulthood, and anyone who doesn’t want to miss out on the latest of the latest.» Care Santos, El Mundo

Hilo musical

Musical Thread | Alpha-Decay / Héroes modernos, 2010

» Nuevo talento FNAC 2010

Hilo musical could be defined as a novel of initiation, a romantic fable full of strange animals with a single moral: all of us, no matter how much we resist, are condemned to grow up. However, we like to see it as a compendium of all those things that truly matter when you’re young: love, bumper cars, summers of recognition, girls with high pigtails and knee socks, pop music, chewing gum that explodes like sunsets and that strange sensation of discovering a world that offers itself before our eyes like a huge cream cake ready to be devoured.

Hilo musical is this and many other beautiful things whose secret we know all too well, although sometimes they almost make us forget it.


«The first novel by Miqui Otero, who has excelled in music journalism, represents, without a doubt, one of the most successful works that the genre has offered us in recent years. Its freshness, its imagination, overflowing but also refined, the amusing but tight plots it invents, the worlds it describes, make this book an amusing version of the initiation novel, brimming with colour.» Juan Ángel Juristo, ABC

«Furious modernity, honesty and immediacy distinguish a novel that will interest those who are lost on the border between adolescence and adulthood, and anyone who doesn’t want to miss out on the latest of the latest.» Care Santos, El Mundo