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Yo soy, yo eres, yo es

I am, I are, I is | Planeta, 1998 / Seix Barral, 2004

Mario and Junot are good friends. They are both crazy about Andrea, one of their classmates. Her face, like the captive princess in their favorite video game, is unforgettable.

No matter how intelligent she may be, she ignores all subject pronouns except for the first («I am, I are, I is…»). Both friends feel a pressing need to do something about their feelings for Andrea. The school year is about to end and they won’t ever see her again unless, of course, something unexpected happens.


Brazil: Siciliano; Italy: Mondadori

Yo soy, yo eres, yo es

I am, I are, I is | Planeta, 1998 / Seix Barral, 2004

Mario and Junot are good friends. They are both crazy about Andrea, one of their classmates. Her face, like the captive princess in their favorite video game, is unforgettable.

No matter how intelligent she may be, she ignores all subject pronouns except for the first («I am, I are, I is…»). Both friends feel a pressing need to do something about their feelings for Andrea. The school year is about to end and they won’t ever see her again unless, of course, something unexpected happens.




Brazil: Siciliano; Italy: Mondadori