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Juan Bonilla (Jerez de la Frontera, 1966) is the author of the following short story collections: El que apaga la luz (Pre-Textos, 1994), La compañía de los solitarios (Pre-Textos, 2000), La noche del Skylab (Espasa Calpe, 2000), Je me souviens (Algaida, 2005), El estadio de mármol (Seix Barral, 2005), Basado en hechos reales (Berenice, 2006), Tanta gente sola (Seix Barral, 2009) and Una manada de ñús (Pre-Textos, 2013).

As a novelist, he has published Nadie conoce a nadie (Ediciones B, 1996), which was made into a very successful film, Cansados de estar muertos (Espasa, 1998); Los príncipes nubios (Seix Barral, 2003 – Biblioteca Breve Award 2003 and Prix littéraire des Jeunes européens 2009) and Prohibido entrar sin pantalones (Seix Barral, 2013 – Vargas Llosa Biennal Novel Award 2014).

He has published non-fiction works such as El tiempo es un sueño pop (RBA, 2012), a biography of the Spanish writer Terenci Moix that was awarded the Gaziel Biographies and Memoirs Award 2012 and La novela del buscador de libros (Fundación Fernando Lara, 2018), a highly entertaining memoir on his long-standing, impassioned experience as a book hunter.

His latest work is the novel Totalidad sexual del cosmos (Seix Barral, 2019), published in Spring 2019.

In 2019 he published Totalidad sexual del cosmos (Seix Barral, 2019), the receipient to the National Book Award in 2020. His latest work is a rewriting of the novel Nadie contra nadie (Seix Barral, 2021), originally published in 1996 with the title  Nadie conoce a nadie.

© Yolanda Morató


© Yolanda Morató

Juan Bonilla (Jerez de la Frontera, 1966) is the author of the following short story collections: El que apaga la luz (Pre-Textos, 1994), La compañía de los solitarios (Pre-Textos, 2000), La noche del Skylab (Espasa Calpe, 2000), Je me souviens (Algaida, 2005), El estadio de mármol (Seix Barral, 2005), Basado en hechos reales (Berenice, 2006), Tanta gente sola (Seix Barral, 2009) and Una manada de ñús (Pre-Textos, 2013).

As a novelist, he has published Nadie conoce a nadie (Ediciones B, 1996), which was made into a very successful film, Cansados de estar muertos (Espasa, 1998); Los príncipes nubios (Seix Barral, 2003 – Biblioteca Breve Award 2003 and Prix littéraire des Jeunes européens 2009) and Prohibido entrar sin pantalones (Seix Barral, 2013 – Vargas Llosa Biennal Novel Award 2014).

He has published non-fiction works such as El tiempo es un sueño pop (RBA, 2012), a biography of the Spanish writer Terenci Moix that was awarded the Gaziel Biographies and Memoirs Award 2012 and La novela del buscador de libros (Fundación Fernando Lara, 2018), a highly entertaining memoir on his long-standing, impassioned experience as a book hunter.

His latest work is the novel Totalidad sexual del cosmos (Seix Barral, 2019), published in Spring 2019.

In 2019 he published Totalidad sexual del cosmos (Seix Barral, 2019), the receipient to the National Book Award in 2020. His latest work is a rewriting of the novel Nadie contra nadie (Seix Barral, 2021), originally published in 1996 with the title  Nadie conoce a nadie.