Miquel Obiols (Roda de Ter, 1945), is an author, screenwriter and director of television programmes: Terra d’escudella, Planeta Imaginari and Pinnic. He is the inventor of the Gallifants. He has published books for children and young people: Ai, Filomena, Filomena!, Tatrebill en contes uns, El tigre de Mary Plexiglàs, El llibre de les M’Alícies. He has won literary awards including: J Ruyra, Institució de les Lletres Catalanes (1988), Critica Serra d’Or, Critici in Erba (Bologna 1992). Television prizes: Ondas Internacional, Ciutat de Barcelona, Bronze Medal New York Festival (1994).
Following the publication of his novel for young people He tornat jugar amb la mare i se m’ha espatllat (Cruïlla, 2010), his latest book for adults is the novel No hi cabem dues vegades, en aquest món (Ara Llibres, 2016).
Miquel Obiols (Roda de Ter, 1945), is an author, screenwriter and director of television programmes: Terra d’escudella, Planeta Imaginari and Pinnic. He is the inventor of the Gallifants. He has published books for children and young people: Ai, Filomena, Filomena!, Tatrebill en contes uns, El tigre de Mary Plexiglàs, El llibre de les M’Alícies. He has won literary awards including: J Ruyra, Institució de les Lletres Catalanes (1988), Critica Serra d’Or, Critici in Erba (Bologna 1992). Television prizes: Ondas Internacional, Ciutat de Barcelona, Bronze Medal New York Festival (1994).
Following the publication of his novel for young people He tornat jugar amb la mare i se m’ha espatllat (Cruïlla, 2010), his latest book for adults is the novel No hi cabem dues vegades, en aquest món (Ara Llibres, 2016).
Datrebil. 7 cuentos y 1 espejo
Datrebil. 7 Stories and 1 Mirror | Espasa Calpe, 1989 / Kalandraka, 2022
No hi cabem dues vegades, en aquest món
We don't fit in twice, in this world | Ara Llibres, 2016
He tornat a jugar amb la mare i se m’ha espatllat
I have played with mother again and she broke down | Cruïlla, 2010
Libro de las m’Alicias
Book of the M’Alices | Kalandraka, 2009
55 taques i gargots
55 scribbles and marks | Columna, 2002
El cuadro más bonito del mundo
The Most Beautiful Picture In The World | Kalandraka, 2001
Una de indios
An Indian Story | SM, 1988
Ai, Filomena, Filomena!
Ah, Filomena, Filomena! | Juventud, 1977