When only in America, they’d started to see hints of what is today known as autofiction and they basked in the invention of the terminology, Juan Bonilla was already practicing it in his books of short stories.
The tales by this author are set in a unique mould, beautifully crafted by the narrator, in which, sharp observation, a sense of humour, and love broken by literature fit. In short: talent.
This book is the definitive recompilation of tales written by Bonilla until now. The selection in which unpublished and published texts coexist was made by the author himself, who has written an epilogue for the occasion with interesting commentaries for each one of them.
«Juan Bonilla constructs with great efficacy, demonstrates that his techniques are the fruit of a serious reflection on the theory of the short story.» Joaquín Marco, El Cultural
When only in America, they’d started to see hints of what is today known as autofiction and they basked in the invention of the terminology, Juan Bonilla was already practicing it in his books of short stories.
The tales by this author are set in a unique mould, beautifully crafted by the narrator, in which, sharp observation, a sense of humour, and love broken by literature fit. In short: talent.
This book is the definitive recompilation of tales written by Bonilla until now. The selection in which unpublished and published texts coexist was made by the author himself, who has written an epilogue for the occasion with interesting commentaries for each one of them.
«Juan Bonilla constructs with great efficacy, demonstrates that his techniques are the fruit of a serious reflection on the theory of the short story.» Joaquín Marco, El Cultural
No One Against No One | Seix Barral, 2021
Sexual Totality of the Cosmos | Seix Barral, 2019
The Book Seeker | Fundación José Manuel Lara, 2018
An Implausibility of Gnus | Pre-Textos, 2013
A Cluod in Trousers | Seix Barral, Abril 2013
Time is a Pop Dream. The Life and Work of Terenci Moix | RBA, 2012
All The Lonely People | Seix Barral, 2009
He who turns out the ligh | Pre-Textos, 1994
The Company of Loners | Pre-Textos, 2000
I Remember | Algaida, 2005
The Costa del Sol at Pop O’Clock | Fundación José Manuel Lara, 2007
The Marble Stadium | Seix Barral, 2005
The Nubian Icons | Seix Barral, 2003
Tired Of Being Dead | Espasa Calpe, 1998
Nobody Knows Anybody | Ediciones B, 1996
The Night of the Skylab | Espasa Calpe, 2000
I am, I are, I is | Planeta, 1998 / Seix Barral, 2004