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La hija del coronel

(The Colonel’s Daugther) Algaida, 1997

» 29th Premio Ateneo in Seville

At the end of the seventies, José – a young countryman conscious of his poverty and his social class, relegated to a sad and miserable life- decides to enrol in the foreign legion. In Melilla he falls passionately in love with Maria, the daughter of the Colonel, but this relationship will not only bring him up against the father and the other suitors of the girl,  but it will oblige him to flee form his own identity, leading him down a dangerous path of lies and traps.

La hija del coronel is a story of love, friendship, betrayal and revenge, of raised emotions, half truths and white lies. The action-packed rhythm of his narration, the passionate intrigue of the story and his disturbing background of sex, cruelty and violence – but also of submission and camaraderie – make it a surprising and uneasy novel.


«The author of La hija del coronel, in an incredible turn of the screw, arrives in Melilla in the foreign legion, and creates an action-packed story of love, sex, violence and friendship among legionnaires  which is pure cinema, but, and this has to be underlined, is also pure literature.» Javier Goñi, El País-Babelia.

«A story which, due to the Soldiers’ life together in the barracks and the implicit cruelty of some of the characters, reminds us, in some of the scenes, of La ciudad y los perros, by Vargas Llosa. […] All the necessary ingredients are there: love, sex and violence, to great narrative effect. This book captures you from the very first pages.» Andrés Aguirre, El Mercurio-Leer

La hija del coronel

(The Colonel’s Daugther) Algaida, 1997

» 29th Premio Ateneo in Seville

At the end of the seventies, José – a young countryman conscious of his poverty and his social class, relegated to a sad and miserable life- decides to enrol in the foreign legion. In Melilla he falls passionately in love with Maria, the daughter of the Colonel, but this relationship will not only bring him up against the father and the other suitors of the girl,  but it will oblige him to flee form his own identity, leading him down a dangerous path of lies and traps.

La hija del coronel is a story of love, friendship, betrayal and revenge, of raised emotions, half truths and white lies. The action-packed rhythm of his narration, the passionate intrigue of the story and his disturbing background of sex, cruelty and violence – but also of submission and camaraderie – make it a surprising and uneasy novel.


«The author of La hija del coronel, in an incredible turn of the screw, arrives in Melilla in the foreign legion, and creates an action-packed story of love, sex, violence and friendship among legionnaires  which is pure cinema, but, and this has to be underlined, is also pure literature.» Javier Goñi, El País-Babelia.

«A story which, due to the Soldiers’ life together in the barracks and the implicit cruelty of some of the characters, reminds us, in some of the scenes, of La ciudad y los perros, by Vargas Llosa. […] All the necessary ingredients are there: love, sex and violence, to great narrative effect. This book captures you from the very first pages.» Andrés Aguirre, El Mercurio-Leer

Demasiado no es suficiente

Too much is not enough | Siruela, 2022

Mi precio es ninguno

I Don't Have a Price | Siruela, 2021

Yo fumo para olvidar que tú bebes

Siruela, 2020 | I Smoke to Forget That You Drink

Con las suelas al viento

La línea del horizonte, 2017

Escrito en el cielo. Madrid imaginada en la literatura (1977-2017)

Written on the Sky | Alfaguara, 2017

El capitán Miguel y Juan el Navegante

(Captain Miguel and Juan the Navigator) Anaya, 2016

Como los pájaros aman el aire

(Like Birds Love the Air) Siruela, 2016

El juego sigue sin mí

(The Game Goes On Without Me) Siruela, 2015

La jauría y la niebla

(The Hounds and the Fog) Algaida, 2009

Qué poca prisa se da el amor

(Love doesn´t hurry) Anaya, 1997

Y decirte alguna estupidez, por ejemplo, te quiero

(And to tell you something stupid, like say, I love you) Anaya, 1995

El chico que imitaba a Roberto Carlos

(The boy who imitated Roberto Carlos) Anaya, 1996

Qué te voy a contar

(What I’m going to tell you) Anagrama, 1989

Algunas chicas son como todas

(Some girls are like all the others) Plot, 1992 / Espasa Calpe, 2000

Por el camino de Ulectra

(On the Road to Ulectra) Anaya, 2007

Dos en una

Two in One | Anaya, 2002

La colección «Pisco»

Pisco Collection / Anaya 1996

Nieve al sol

(Snow in the Sun) Espasa Calpe, 2004

Campos enteros llenos de flores

(In The Full Bloom) El Aleph, 2001

La primavera corta, el largo invierno

(Short Spring, Long Winter) Espasa Calpe, 1999

Un amigo así

(A Friend Like This) Planeta, 2013

El capitán Miguel y el misterio de la daga milanesa

Captain Miguel and the Mystery of the Milanese Dagger | Anaya, 2015