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L’illa més ràpida del món

Arcàdia – La meva Arcàdia, 2014 | The Fastest Island in the World

(The Fastest Island in the World) David and Izan have a closely guarded secret that, despite the best efforts of Julia and her friends, they refuse to reveal. But Julia is a headstrong young girl used to getting her way. Except when playing chess, which Izan always wins.

Now, the two of them keep David company in hospital, waiting for him to come round while they remember the trip to the well and summer camp: the bike races, the telescope and  traveling companions.

“To feel compassion for others, for their pain and their sadness, and to feel compassion towards ourselves, means that we do not feel alone, abandoned…To share feelings, whether when we offer compassion or are on the receiving end, means that others need us as much as we need them. All is not lost. No one who has experienced the bitterness of loneliness and marginalization would ever wish to return.” Zygmunt Bauman

L’illa més ràpida del món

Arcàdia – La meva Arcàdia, 2014 | The Fastest Island in the World

(The Fastest Island in the World) David and Izan have a closely guarded secret that, despite the best efforts of Julia and her friends, they refuse to reveal. But Julia is a headstrong young girl used to getting her way. Except when playing chess, which Izan always wins.

Now, the two of them keep David company in hospital, waiting for him to come round while they remember the trip to the well and summer camp: the bike races, the telescope and  traveling companions.

“To feel compassion for others, for their pain and their sadness, and to feel compassion towards ourselves, means that we do not feel alone, abandoned…To share feelings, whether when we offer compassion or are on the receiving end, means that others need us as much as we need them. All is not lost. No one who has experienced the bitterness of loneliness and marginalization would ever wish to return.” Zygmunt Bauman