«A powerful, intelligent and beautifully controlled novel, highly suggestive and filled with silences that speak volumes.» J. A. Masoliver Ródenas, Cultura/s de La Vanguardia
«The debut novel of a fine writer […]. It has outstanding moments in terms of both imagination and plotting, as well as a personal narrative voice and an intriguing lead.» José María Pozuelo Yvancos, ABC Cultural
«Imagine two parallel, irreconcilable tales: one pink, the other a faded brown. In the first, anything is possible, even happiness; in the other, nothing is too despicable. One tale is written by the advertising industry, the other is life itself. […] A blast of reality and against that reality.» Peio H. Riaño, El Español
«Her first short stories took her to the top of the bestseller lists. Now, Laura Ferrero is back with her debut novel. […] with finely-honed prose, stripped bare of sentimentality and shot through with literary references and perfectly crafted paragraphs that are all set to inundate social media.» Charo Lagares, Marie Claire