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Doctor Pasavento + Bastian Schneider

Doctor Pasavento + Bastian Schneider | Anagrama, 2005; PRH/DeBolsillo, 2016; Seix Barral, 2017

» Foundation José Manuel Lara Award 2006 for best reception by specialized press
» Real Academia Española Award
» Award Letterario Internazionale Mondello – Città di Palermo, 2009
» Preface by Maurice Nadeau

Doctor Pasavento, Enrique Vila-Matas, after Bartleby y compañía, El mal de Montano y París no se acaba nunca, continues along the upward path that has undoubtedly confirmed him as being on the the greatest writers of our times.

The moral hero of the writer and Doctor Pasavento is Robert Walser, in whom he admires the desire to go through life unnoticed, the life of beautiful unhappiness that he lived and the extreme repugnance he felt for the power and the greatness of literature.

To follow the destiny of this writer is, for Pasavento, to withdraw from the world, as seen in his handwriting that is becoming increasingly microscopic and leads him to replace his pen with a pencil because he feels that this is closer to complete disappearance, from the eclipse. “I don’t write to be photographed”, he sometimes says. He wants to set himself apart and, one day, disappear.

He thinks that the case will be investigated, like that of Agatha Christie when the whole of England searched for her for eleven days and she was finally found. But nobody comes looking for Doctor Pasavento and this simple truth gradually dawns on him: nobody is thinking about him. We therefore see him resort to the strategy of resignation: the extreme act with which some writers ensure the only way of capturing the sparkle of a full and inexpressable life that is not suffocated by power.

We see him renounce himself, his greatness and, of course, his dignity, to the point where he even believes that the story of the disappearance of the subject in the East is incarnated by him alone. “What I want is to continue to exist without being bothered”, says Doctor Pasavento, and then, almost in contradiction, he asks if he will be able to live if nobody even remotely remembers that he exists. He travels to the Swiss mental hospital where Walser lived for many years removed from the world and he gets close to the practice of a very peculiar art, and one which his most admired writer was an absolute master: the art of turning into nothing.


«An essential work in Vilas-Matas’ back catalogue; an entertaining and tragic novel.» Qué Leer

«An ingenious flight over almost everything that is written in Spain.» J.M. Pozuelo Yvancos, ABC

«Essential in the Spanish novel today. This novel is a powerful antibody against ordinariness.» Domingo Ródenas de Moya, El Periódico

«A superior novel. It sets him far and above the many earthlings who are incapable of noticing the breath of the divine.» J.A. Masoliver Ródenas, La Vanguardia

«The reading of this novel is an enormously fascinating experience.» Alain Nicolas, L’Humanité

«Magnificent. We recommend that lovers of literature not only read this book, but also have it at hand for a long time.» Patrick Kéchichian, Le Monde

«He has positioned himself as the best Spanish writer of the decade.» Nelly Kaprièlian, Chronic’art


Arabic: Almada; Brazil: Cosac Naify; France: Bourgois; French Pocket: Titres; Germany: Nagel & Kimche; Greece: Kastaniotis; Italy: Feltrinelli; Portugal: Teorema

Doctor Pasavento + Bastian Schneider

Doctor Pasavento + Bastian Schneider | Anagrama, 2005; PRH/DeBolsillo, 2016; Seix Barral, 2017

» Foundation José Manuel Lara Award 2006 for best reception by specialized press
» Real Academia Española Award
» Award Letterario Internazionale Mondello – Città di Palermo, 2009
» Preface by Maurice Nadeau

Doctor Pasavento, Enrique Vila-Matas, after Bartleby y compañía, El mal de Montano y París no se acaba nunca, continues along the upward path that has undoubtedly confirmed him as being on the the greatest writers of our times.

The moral hero of the writer and Doctor Pasavento is Robert Walser, in whom he admires the desire to go through life unnoticed, the life of beautiful unhappiness that he lived and the extreme repugnance he felt for the power and the greatness of literature.

To follow the destiny of this writer is, for Pasavento, to withdraw from the world, as seen in his handwriting that is becoming increasingly microscopic and leads him to replace his pen with a pencil because he feels that this is closer to complete disappearance, from the eclipse. “I don’t write to be photographed”, he sometimes says. He wants to set himself apart and, one day, disappear.

He thinks that the case will be investigated, like that of Agatha Christie when the whole of England searched for her for eleven days and she was finally found. But nobody comes looking for Doctor Pasavento and this simple truth gradually dawns on him: nobody is thinking about him. We therefore see him resort to the strategy of resignation: the extreme act with which some writers ensure the only way of capturing the sparkle of a full and inexpressable life that is not suffocated by power.

We see him renounce himself, his greatness and, of course, his dignity, to the point where he even believes that the story of the disappearance of the subject in the East is incarnated by him alone. “What I want is to continue to exist without being bothered”, says Doctor Pasavento, and then, almost in contradiction, he asks if he will be able to live if nobody even remotely remembers that he exists. He travels to the Swiss mental hospital where Walser lived for many years removed from the world and he gets close to the practice of a very peculiar art, and one which his most admired writer was an absolute master: the art of turning into nothing.


«An essential work in Vilas-Matas’ back catalogue; an entertaining and tragic novel.» Qué Leer

«An ingenious flight over almost everything that is written in Spain.» J.M. Pozuelo Yvancos, ABC

«Essential in the Spanish novel today. This novel is a powerful antibody against ordinariness.» Domingo Ródenas de Moya, El Periódico

«A superior novel. It sets him far and above the many earthlings who are incapable of noticing the breath of the divine.» J.A. Masoliver Ródenas, La Vanguardia

«The reading of this novel is an enormously fascinating experience.» Alain Nicolas, L’Humanité

«Magnificent. We recommend that lovers of literature not only read this book, but also have it at hand for a long time.» Patrick Kéchichian, Le Monde

«He has positioned himself as the best Spanish writer of the decade.» Nelly Kaprièlian, Chronic’art


Arabic: Almada; Brazil: Cosac Naify; France: Bourgois; French Pocket: Titres; Germany: Nagel & Kimche; Greece: Kastaniotis; Italy: Feltrinelli; Portugal: Teorema


Montevideo | Seix-Barral, 2022

Esta bruma insensata

This Senseless Fog | Seix Barral, 2019

Cabinet d’amateur, an oblique novel

Cabinet d'Amateur, an Oblique Novel | Whitechapel, 2019

Impón tu suerte

Try Your Luck | Círculo de Tiza, 2018

Mac y su contratiempo

Mac's Problem | Seix Barral, 2017

Marienbad eléctrico

Marienbad Electric | Seix Barral, 2016

Kassel no invita a la lógica

Kassel Does Not Call For Logic | Seix Barral, 2014


Girl | Alfaguara Infantil, 2013

Fuera de aquí

Away From Here | Galaxia Gutenberg, 2013

Aire de Dylan

Dylan's Air | Seix Barral, 2012

Hijos sin hijos

Children without Children | Anagrama, 1993; PRH/DeBolsillo, 2012

Una vida absolutamente maravillosa. Ensayos selectos

An Absolutely Wonderful Life. Selected Essays | PRH/Debolsillo, 2011

El viajero más lento. El arte de no terminar nada

The slowest traveller. The art of finishing nothing | Anagram, 1992; Seix Barral, 2011

Chet Baker piensa en su arte. Relatos selectos

Chet Baker thinks about his art | RHM - DEBOLSILLO, 2011

En un lugar solitario. Narrativa 1973-1984

In a Lonely Place | RHM - DEBOLSILLO, 2011


Dublinesque | Seix Barral, 2010; Debolsillo, 2011

Perder teorías

Losing Theories | Seix Barral, 2010. Colección Únicos

Ella era Hemingway / No soy Auster

She was Hemingway, I’m not Auster | Alfabia, 2008

Dietario Voluble

Volatile Diary | Anagrama, 2008; PRH/DeBolsillo, 2016

Exploradores del abismo

Explorers in the Abyss | Anagrama, 2007

El viento ligero en Parma

Light Wind in Parma | México, Sexto Piso, 2004 / España, 2008

París no se acaba nunca

Paris Never Ends | Anagrama, 2004; Seix Barral, 2013; PRH/DeBolsillo, 2014

El mal de Montano

Montano’s Malady | Anagrama, 2002; Seix Barral, 2012; PRH/DeBolsillo, 2013

Bartleby y compañía

Bartleby & Co | Anagrama, 2000; Seix Barral, 2015; PRH/DeBolsillo, 2016

Desde la ciudad nerviosa

From the Restless City | Alfaguara, 2000

El viaje vertical

The Vertical Journey | Anagrama, 1999

Para acabar con los números redondos

In Order to End Up with Round Numbers | Pre-Textos, 1997

Extraña forma de vida

Strange Way of Life | Anagrama, 1997; PRH/DeBolsillo, 2013

Lejos de Veracruz

A Long Way from Veracruz | Anagrama, 1995; PRH/DeBolsillo, 2011

Recuerdos inventados

Invented memories | Anagrama, 1994; Compactos, 2007

Suicidios ejemplares

Exemplary Suicides | Anagrama, 1991; PRH/DeBolsillo, 2015

Una casa para siempre

A House For Ever | Anagrama, 1988 / Compactos, 2002

Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil

A Brief History of Portable Literature | Anagrama, 1985; PRH-DeBolsillo, 2015


Imposture | Anagrama, 1984

La asesina ilustrada

An Enlightened Murderess | Tusquets, 1977 / Lengua de Trapo, 1996 / Lumen, illustrated edition, 2005