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L’espai immens. Quaderns de Namíbia

The Immense Space – Notes from Namibia | Amsterdam (Ara llibres), 2008

(The Immense Space – Notes from Namibia) Two great writers, Joan Barril and Vicenç Villatoro, reveal their fascination for one place: Namibia. Much more than a travel log, this is a sentimental, unique and once-in-a-lifetime work. Because Namibia is for the authors, more than real territory, a paradise for reflection. Following two journeys to the African country, Joan Barril convinced Vicenç Villatoro to go, and he did. The landscape and the emptiness of the desert led them to fill pages with verses, stories and thoughts. Months later, Barril follows his trail and responds to him from the scene of the crime. The game, the dialogue, continues back at home, to become this book.

→ Together with Vicenç Villatoro

L’espai immens. Quaderns de Namíbia

The Immense Space – Notes from Namibia | Amsterdam (Ara llibres), 2008

(The Immense Space – Notes from Namibia) Two great writers, Joan Barril and Vicenç Villatoro, reveal their fascination for one place: Namibia. Much more than a travel log, this is a sentimental, unique and once-in-a-lifetime work. Because Namibia is for the authors, more than real territory, a paradise for reflection. Following two journeys to the African country, Joan Barril convinced Vicenç Villatoro to go, and he did. The landscape and the emptiness of the desert led them to fill pages with verses, stories and thoughts. Months later, Barril follows his trail and responds to him from the scene of the crime. The game, the dialogue, continues back at home, to become this book.

→ Together with Vicenç Villatoro