Even in loss, those who loved us continue to enlighten us.
«We were a family. The spark, the granny, the mama, the papa and uncle José Manuel. They were the ones who taught me everything important. Like, for example, what is time and the universe. Or what does it mean to grow up. Or why freedom is valuable. Or what are dreams for. Even today, when I learn something, it is to my people that I tell it. With those I talk about success and happiness, and those who help me when sadness, fear and anger insist on appearing. It is with them that I keep trying to understand love, guilt, friendship… and death.
Now they are no longer here, but if I had to explain what this strange thing about being alive is, I couldn’t do it without them. Or maybe yes. Maybe what I need is to say goodbye. Yes, that’s it, a goodbye. But a happy goodbye. A goodbye full of the joy of living.»
Juanjo Sáez shares his experiences and reflections, giving us moments of wisdom and a treasure map as a compass to help us understand and reconnect with the important things in life.