This novel tells the story of a man who deals with paralysis owing to an accident. Such exceptional situation will lead our main character to face issues such as time, maturity and death. An awakening which brings values to change, the pace of life to slow down and things which might have looked superfluous to be more important.
«A prodigious stroll through what we were and what we thought we were.» Joan Manuel Serrat
«A reflection on maturity and the male condition. A moral novel. Pure feeling.» Julià Guillamon, La Vanguardia
This novel tells the story of a man who deals with paralysis owing to an accident. Such exceptional situation will lead our main character to face issues such as time, maturity and death. An awakening which brings values to change, the pace of life to slow down and things which might have looked superfluous to be more important.
«A prodigious stroll through what we were and what we thought we were.» Joan Manuel Serrat
«A reflection on maturity and the male condition. A moral novel. Pure feeling.» Julià Guillamon, La Vanguardia
On Happiness | Edicions 62, 2013
The Shadow Hunter | Edicions 62, 2012
The Promised Land | Edicions 62, 2010
Ara Llibres, 2009 | 201 Normal Stories
The Immense Space - Notes from Namibia | Amsterdam (Ara llibres), 2008
About Pleasures. The Optimist’s Manual | Ed. 62, 2009
Amsterdam Llibres, 2008 | 100 Moral Tales
About Love | Edicions 62, 2007
On Distance. Catalonia – Spain | Ediciones 62, 2008
I’ll Give You a Call, and Other Sunday Stories | Ediciones B, 2003
Being a Father | La Campana, 1997
True Lies | Columna, 2002
Almost a Couple | Planeta, 2001
Every Port Is Called Helena | SM, 1999, castellano / Empuries, 1999, catalán
The Immobile Woman | Edicions 62, 2015