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Els enigmes de la Verbi i el Mod

Verbi and Mod’s Enigmas | PRH/Rosa Dels Vents, 2016

Life is full of them. Furthermore, newspapers publish crosswords and puzzles every day, radio and tv broadcast wordplay shows. Màrius Serra, the popular creator of the “enigmarius” introduces Verbi and Mod, two friends who have invented a game of their own. It works the following way: they send each other puzzles with a picture attached using whatsapp. Play and you will see that you want to share these riddles with your friends and family.

Illustrations: David Parcerisa i Ungé

Els enigmes de la Verbi i el Mod

Verbi and Mod’s Enigmas | PRH/Rosa Dels Vents, 2016

Life is full of them. Furthermore, newspapers publish crosswords and puzzles every day, radio and tv broadcast wordplay shows. Màrius Serra, the popular creator of the “enigmarius” introduces Verbi and Mod, two friends who have invented a game of their own. It works the following way: they send each other puzzles with a picture attached using whatsapp. Play and you will see that you want to share these riddles with your friends and family.

Illustrations: David Parcerisa i Ungé

El rol del Roc

Roc's Role | Empúries, 2024

Volem bolets

We Want Mushrooms | La Galera, 2023

La dona més pintada

The Most Painted Woman | Proa, 2023

Showcat. Anar al mar

Going to the Sea | La Galera, 2023

Showcat. Aterra a terra

Land on Earth | La Galera, 2023

Per què soc… Enigmista?

Why Am I a Puzzle-Solver? | Clar Books, 2022

Les Aventures de la Napeu. Tenen àvia els robots?

Can Robots Blow Their Own Trumpet? | Estrella Polar, 2022

Les aventures de la Napeu. Un zero a l’esquerra

As Useless as a Chocolate Teapot | Estrella Polar, 2022

Les aventures de la Napeu. Kiwipèdia

Kiwipedia | Estrella Polar, 2021

Fora de joc a Montserrat

Offside in Montserrat | Empúries, 2021

Les aventures de la Napeu. El Perepunyetes i la Tiquismiquis

Estrella Polar, 2021

Les aventures de la Napeu. Tot OK

Estrella Polar, 2020 | The Adventures of Eve. Everything's OK

Les aventures de la Napeu. Més vella que l´anar a peu.

Estrella Polar, 2020 | The Adventures of Eve. Older than Dirt

Tirant lo Blanc

Tirant Lo Blanc | Proa, 2020

Jugar-s’hi la vida

Gambling With Your Life | Amsterdam/Ara Llibres, 2019

La llegenda de Sant Jordi

Saint George's Legend | Estrella Polar, 2016

L’Arca de Babel

The Ark of Babel | Edicions 62/Estrella Polar, 2012


Still | Empúries, 2018

La novel·la de Sant Jordi

Saint George's Novel | Amsterdam, 2018

D’on trec el temps

Where I Find the Time | Empúries, 2017

Res no és perfecte a Hawaii

Everything Is Far From Perfect In Hawaii | Grup 62, 2016

Plans de futur

Plans For The Future | Proa, 2013

L’home del sac

The Bogeyman | Bromera, 2011

Verbàlia 2.0

Verbalia | Empúries, 2010


Dictiomarius | Edicions 62/LaButxaca, 2010

Enviar i rebre

Sending And Receiving | Columna, 2007


Farce | Planeta, 2006

De com s’escriu una novel·la

How to Write a Novel | Empúries, 2004

Tres és massa

Three Is A Croud | Columna, 2003

La veritable història de Harald Bluetooth

The True Story of Harald Bluetooth | L’Illa Diagonal

Verbàlia. Jocs de paraules i esforços de l’ingeni literari

Verbàlia | Empúries, 2000


Ablatanalba | Edicions 62, 1999

La vida normal

Normal Life | Proa, 1998

Mon oncle

My Uncle | Proa, 1996

Manual d’Enigmística

Manual of Enigmistics | Columna, 1991