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Verbàlia 2.0

Verbalia | Empúries, 2010

The pleasure of playing with words is ancestral: a subtle and little known line refers to the riddle of the Sphinx, the methods of the Kabbalah, the artifices of baroque poetry, the irreverent games of the avant-garde and the crosswords from newspapers.

Ara, the digital age has opened a new and passionate dimension and Verbàlia 2.0 is a sample. In this book you will find fifty well-defined verbal fireworks, located and exemplified in history: from a logogriph or anagram, a pun or a lipogram, to a palindrome, a paronomasia or a spoonerism. Just a warning: once you open this book from any page and start reading, you cannot quit.

Verbàlia 2.0

Verbalia | Empúries, 2010

The pleasure of playing with words is ancestral: a subtle and little known line refers to the riddle of the Sphinx, the methods of the Kabbalah, the artifices of baroque poetry, the irreverent games of the avant-garde and the crosswords from newspapers.

Ara, the digital age has opened a new and passionate dimension and Verbàlia 2.0 is a sample. In this book you will find fifty well-defined verbal fireworks, located and exemplified in history: from a logogriph or anagram, a pun or a lipogram, to a palindrome, a paronomasia or a spoonerism. Just a warning: once you open this book from any page and start reading, you cannot quit.

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Les aventures de la Napeu. Kiwipèdia

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Estrella Polar, 2021

Les aventures de la Napeu. Tot OK

Estrella Polar, 2020 | The Adventures of Eve. Everything's OK

Les aventures de la Napeu. Més vella que l´anar a peu.

Estrella Polar, 2020 | The Adventures of Eve. Older than Dirt

Tirant lo Blanc

Tirant Lo Blanc | Proa, 2020

Jugar-s’hi la vida

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La llegenda de Sant Jordi

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L’Arca de Babel

The Ark of Babel | Edicions 62/Estrella Polar, 2012


Still | Empúries, 2018

La novel·la de Sant Jordi

Saint George's Novel | Amsterdam, 2018

D’on trec el temps

Where I Find the Time | Empúries, 2017

Els enigmes de la Verbi i el Mod

Verbi and Mod’s Enigmas | PRH/Rosa Dels Vents, 2016

Res no és perfecte a Hawaii

Everything Is Far From Perfect In Hawaii | Grup 62, 2016

Plans de futur

Plans For The Future | Proa, 2013

L’home del sac

The Bogeyman | Bromera, 2011


Dictiomarius | Edicions 62/LaButxaca, 2010

Enviar i rebre

Sending And Receiving | Columna, 2007


Farce | Planeta, 2006

De com s’escriu una novel·la

How to Write a Novel | Empúries, 2004

Tres és massa

Three Is A Croud | Columna, 2003

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The True Story of Harald Bluetooth | L’Illa Diagonal

Verbàlia. Jocs de paraules i esforços de l’ingeni literari

Verbàlia | Empúries, 2000


Ablatanalba | Edicions 62, 1999

La vida normal

Normal Life | Proa, 1998

Mon oncle

My Uncle | Proa, 1996

Manual d’Enigmística

Manual of Enigmistics | Columna, 1991