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Fuera de aquí

Away From Here | Galaxia Gutenberg, 2013

Following in the footsteps of his much-loved Marcel Duchamp, who left behind an extraordinary volume of correspondence, in Fuera de aquí, Enrique Vila-Matas looks back over the origins of his works and the myriad anecdotes that lie beneath each of his books, charting the genesis of his unique poetic sensibility in a conversation with his French translator and friend, André Gabastou.

An exchange marked by a fresh perspective that lifts the lid on his extensive oeuvre, Vila-Matas emerges as the creator of the shandys and the bartlebys, the man behind new coinages, such as the Montano’s malady, the inventor of unforgettable characters such as Doctor Pasavento, while revisiting cities such as Paris, Veracruz, Lisbon and Dublin, in the wake of his break into the English language.

Shot through with the irony that characterizes his trademark style, he reveals the authors who have most influenced his own writing, from Kafka to Walser, a large cast of characters that help pinpoint his own personal literary tastes. It also sheds light on the places, books and images that have made Vila-Matas one of the most unique voices of our time and an inexhaustible wellspring of literary ideas.

Akin to an autobiography in the guise of a conversation, a not-to-be-missed title in the bibliography of one of the foremost names in contemporary literary fiction.

Fuera de aquí is rounded off with snapshots from the author’s personal album, a generous selection of extracts handpicked from Vila-Matas’ body of work and a sampling of texts never before published in book form.

Fuera de aquí is the translation and adaptation of a collection of conversations between André Gabastou and Enrique Vila-Matas originally published  in France in 2010 with the title Vila-Matas: Pile et Face (Argol Éditions). Expanded and duly updated by its authors, Fuera de aquí now contains pieces hitherto unpublished in Spain, alongside photographs not included in the original version.


«The finest, most reader-friendly and wide-ranging introduction to the life and work of Vila-Matas. (…) The result is never less than excellent.» J.A. Masoliver Ródenas, Culturas (La Vanguardia)

«The author behind one of the richest and most beguiling literary oevres on the European scene gathers together his conversations with his french translator André Gabastou in a delightful, suggestive volume.» Culturamas

«[Vila-Matas] sets off in search of the puzzling glow of the authentic, using fiction to get to the heart of the truth. Never before have Vila-Matas’ readers been able to get this up close and personal to the man or this insight into his autofictional codes» Carles Geli, El País

«One of the leading lights of Spanish language literature offers a sort of literary biography, all the more interesting as its author has sought to shun the limelight throughout his work. (…) Above all, the book chimes with the oft-quoted Nabakov maxim whereby the biography of an author is the history of his style.» Helena Hevia, El Periódico

«Fuera de aquí works as an excellent primer on Vila-Matas’ entire oeuvre. The book lifts the lid on the author’s universe and is sure to win him new readers.» Luis Antonio de Villena, El Cultural de El Mundo

Fuera de aquí

Away From Here | Galaxia Gutenberg, 2013

Following in the footsteps of his much-loved Marcel Duchamp, who left behind an extraordinary volume of correspondence, in Fuera de aquí, Enrique Vila-Matas looks back over the origins of his works and the myriad anecdotes that lie beneath each of his books, charting the genesis of his unique poetic sensibility in a conversation with his French translator and friend, André Gabastou.

An exchange marked by a fresh perspective that lifts the lid on his extensive oeuvre, Vila-Matas emerges as the creator of the shandys and the bartlebys, the man behind new coinages, such as the Montano’s malady, the inventor of unforgettable characters such as Doctor Pasavento, while revisiting cities such as Paris, Veracruz, Lisbon and Dublin, in the wake of his break into the English language.

Shot through with the irony that characterizes his trademark style, he reveals the authors who have most influenced his own writing, from Kafka to Walser, a large cast of characters that help pinpoint his own personal literary tastes. It also sheds light on the places, books and images that have made Vila-Matas one of the most unique voices of our time and an inexhaustible wellspring of literary ideas.

Akin to an autobiography in the guise of a conversation, a not-to-be-missed title in the bibliography of one of the foremost names in contemporary literary fiction.

Fuera de aquí is rounded off with snapshots from the author’s personal album, a generous selection of extracts handpicked from Vila-Matas’ body of work and a sampling of texts never before published in book form.

Fuera de aquí is the translation and adaptation of a collection of conversations between André Gabastou and Enrique Vila-Matas originally published  in France in 2010 with the title Vila-Matas: Pile et Face (Argol Éditions). Expanded and duly updated by its authors, Fuera de aquí now contains pieces hitherto unpublished in Spain, alongside photographs not included in the original version.


«The finest, most reader-friendly and wide-ranging introduction to the life and work of Vila-Matas. (…) The result is never less than excellent.» J.A. Masoliver Ródenas, Culturas (La Vanguardia)

«The author behind one of the richest and most beguiling literary oevres on the European scene gathers together his conversations with his french translator André Gabastou in a delightful, suggestive volume.» Culturamas

«[Vila-Matas] sets off in search of the puzzling glow of the authentic, using fiction to get to the heart of the truth. Never before have Vila-Matas’ readers been able to get this up close and personal to the man or this insight into his autofictional codes» Carles Geli, El País

«One of the leading lights of Spanish language literature offers a sort of literary biography, all the more interesting as its author has sought to shun the limelight throughout his work. (…) Above all, the book chimes with the oft-quoted Nabakov maxim whereby the biography of an author is the history of his style.» Helena Hevia, El Periódico

«Fuera de aquí works as an excellent primer on Vila-Matas’ entire oeuvre. The book lifts the lid on the author’s universe and is sure to win him new readers.» Luis Antonio de Villena, El Cultural de El Mundo


Montevideo | Seix-Barral, 2022

Esta bruma insensata

This Senseless Fog | Seix Barral, 2019

Cabinet d’amateur, an oblique novel

Cabinet d'Amateur, an Oblique Novel | Whitechapel, 2019

Impón tu suerte

Try Your Luck | Círculo de Tiza, 2018

Mac y su contratiempo

Mac's Problem | Seix Barral, 2017

Marienbad eléctrico

Marienbad Electric | Seix Barral, 2016

Kassel no invita a la lógica

Kassel Does Not Call For Logic | Seix Barral, 2014


Girl | Alfaguara Infantil, 2013

Aire de Dylan

Dylan's Air | Seix Barral, 2012

Hijos sin hijos

Children without Children | Anagrama, 1993; PRH/DeBolsillo, 2012

Una vida absolutamente maravillosa. Ensayos selectos

An Absolutely Wonderful Life. Selected Essays | PRH/Debolsillo, 2011

El viajero más lento. El arte de no terminar nada

The slowest traveller. The art of finishing nothing | Anagram, 1992; Seix Barral, 2011

Chet Baker piensa en su arte. Relatos selectos

Chet Baker thinks about his art | RHM - DEBOLSILLO, 2011

En un lugar solitario. Narrativa 1973-1984

In a Lonely Place | RHM - DEBOLSILLO, 2011


Dublinesque | Seix Barral, 2010; Debolsillo, 2011

Perder teorías

Losing Theories | Seix Barral, 2010. Colección Únicos

Ella era Hemingway / No soy Auster

She was Hemingway, I’m not Auster | Alfabia, 2008

Dietario Voluble

Volatile Diary | Anagrama, 2008; PRH/DeBolsillo, 2016

Exploradores del abismo

Explorers in the Abyss | Anagrama, 2007

Doctor Pasavento + Bastian Schneider

Doctor Pasavento + Bastian Schneider | Anagrama, 2005; PRH/DeBolsillo, 2016; Seix Barral, 2017

El viento ligero en Parma

Light Wind in Parma | México, Sexto Piso, 2004 / España, 2008

París no se acaba nunca

Paris Never Ends | Anagrama, 2004; Seix Barral, 2013; PRH/DeBolsillo, 2014

El mal de Montano

Montano’s Malady | Anagrama, 2002; Seix Barral, 2012; PRH/DeBolsillo, 2013

Bartleby y compañía

Bartleby & Co | Anagrama, 2000; Seix Barral, 2015; PRH/DeBolsillo, 2016

Desde la ciudad nerviosa

From the Restless City | Alfaguara, 2000

El viaje vertical

The Vertical Journey | Anagrama, 1999

Para acabar con los números redondos

In Order to End Up with Round Numbers | Pre-Textos, 1997

Extraña forma de vida

Strange Way of Life | Anagrama, 1997; PRH/DeBolsillo, 2013

Lejos de Veracruz

A Long Way from Veracruz | Anagrama, 1995; PRH/DeBolsillo, 2011

Recuerdos inventados

Invented memories | Anagrama, 1994; Compactos, 2007

Suicidios ejemplares

Exemplary Suicides | Anagrama, 1991; PRH/DeBolsillo, 2015

Una casa para siempre

A House For Ever | Anagrama, 1988 / Compactos, 2002

Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil

A Brief History of Portable Literature | Anagrama, 1985; PRH-DeBolsillo, 2015


Imposture | Anagrama, 1984

La asesina ilustrada

An Enlightened Murderess | Tusquets, 1977 / Lengua de Trapo, 1996 / Lumen, illustrated edition, 2005